跟着专家一起来翻译《致美国的一封信》 |
Letter To America》摘自《环球邮报》(多伦多,2003年3月28日),是加拿大著名作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德的名篇,福建师大外国语学院研究生导师、福建省翻译界的权威专家将本文作为研究生翻译课的素材并与研究生们一起进行了初步翻译,本文译稿由研究生根据教授的课堂讲解记录整理,尚有一些可推敲之处,因此也为大家留下了难得的空间和机会,如果您有修改的意见,请用红色标记在WORD文档中,发到邮箱hrexam@126.com(邮件主题请注明“翻译推敲”),让我们一起跟着专家来翻译,同时领略语言大师过人的写作技巧吧。 |
A Letter To America
致美国的一封信 |
You are the 21st
–century Romans .Your admiring friends used to know you well: land of the
brave ,home of the free .Now ,as you obsesses over the omens of war, we
wonder if you know yourself , muses Margaret Atwood. |
玛格利特·阿特伍德的沉思 |
Dear America:
This is a difficult
letter to write ,because I’m no longer sure who you .Some of you may be
having the same trouble .I thought I knew you: we’d become well acquainted
over the past 55 years .You were the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck comic
books I read in the late 1940s.You were the radio shows –Jack Benny ,Our
Miss Brooks. You were the music I sang and danced to : the Andrews Sisters
,Ella Fitzgerald ,the Platters ,Elvis .You were a ton of fun. |
You wrote some of my favorite books .You created Huckleberry Finn,
and Hawkeye ,and Beth and Jo in Little Woman , courageous in their
different ways .Later ,you were my beloved Thoreau ,father of
environmentalism, witness to individual conscience ;and Walt Whitman,
singer of the Great Public ;and Emily Dickson, keeper of the private soul
.you were the amazing trio, Hemingway, Fitzgerald ,and Faulkner, who
traced the dark labyrinths of your hidden heart. You were Sinclair Lewis
and Arthur Miller who with their own American idealism ,went after the
sham in you ,because they thought you could do better. |
You were Marlon Brando, you were Humphrey Bogart in Key Largo, you
were Lillian Gish in Night of the Hunter. You stood up for freedom
,honesty and justice;
you protected the innocent .I believed most of that .I
think you did ,too. It seemed true at the time . |
You put God on the money .You had a way of thinking that the things
of Caesar were the same as the things of God: that gave you
You have always wanted to be a city upon a hill, a light to all nations,and
for a while you were. Give me your tired ,your poor ,you sang ,and for a
while you meant it. |
We’ve always been close ,you and us history ,
that old entangler, has twisted us together since the early 17th
century. Some of us used to be you ;some of us want to be you; some of you
used to be us. You are not only our neighbors:In many cases –mine, for
instance –you are also our blood relations ,our colleagues ,and our
personal friends .But although we’ve had a ringside seat ,we’ve never
understood you completely ,up here north of the 49th parallel.
We’re like Romanized Cauls
–look like Romans, dress like Romans ,but aren’t Romans
–peering over the wall at the real Romans.What
are they doing ? Why? What are they doing now? Why is the haruspex
eyeballing the sheep’s liver? Why is the soothsayer wholesaling the
Bewares? |
Perhaps that’s been my difficulty in writing you this letter : I am
not sure I know what ‘s really going on. Anyway, you have a huge posse of
experienced entrails -sifters who do nothing but analyze your every vein
and lobe. What can I tell you about yourself that you don’t already know
? |
或许这正是我难以下笔之处。我不能肯定究竟发生了什么事。不管怎样,你有一大群富有经验的内脏审查者,他们专司分析你的每一根血管,每一根筋。因此,关于你自己,我还能告诉你什么你不知道的情况呢? |
This might be the reason for my hesitation: embarrassment, brought on
by a becoming modesty. But it is more likely to be embarrassment of
another sort .When my grandmother–from a New England background –was
confronted with an unsavory topic, she would change the subject and gaze
out the window. And that is my own inclination :Mind your own business. |
尴尬,这是由一种适当的谦虚造成的。但这更有可能是另一种困窘。当我的新英格兰裔祖母遇到不愉快的话题时,她就会转移话题,凝望窗外。这也正是我的处事之道:别管闲事。 |
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