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Unit 3 Australia
*Unique animals (独有的动物)

1 mammal 哺乳动物
2 marsupial 有袋目动物
3 kangaroo 袋鼠  4 bandicoot 袋狸   5 koala 考拉

6 monotremes 单孔目动物
7 platypus 鸭嘴兽   8 echidna 针鼹

*States and territories (国家和地区)

1 commonwealth 联邦   
2 New South Wales 新南威尔士
3 Queensland 昆士兰
4 South Australia 南澳大利亚  
5 Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚
6 Victoria 维多利亚
7 West Australia 西澳大利亚
8 Australia Capital Territory 澳大利亚首都区  
9 Northern Territory 北区

*Main cities (主要城市)

1 Canberra 堪培拉
2 Perth 佩思
3 Adelaide 阿德雷得
4 Brisbane 布里斯班
5 Sydney 悉尼 
6 Melbourne 墨尔本



Unit 3 Australia

   Australia, island continent located southeast of Asia and forming, with the nearby island of Tasmania, the Commonwealth of Australia, a self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The continent is bounded on the north by the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea, and the Torres Strait; on the east by the Coral Sea and the Tasman Sea; on the south by the Bass Strait and the Indian Ocean; and on the west by the Indian Ocean. The commonwealth extends for about 4000 km (about 2500 mi) from east to west and for about 3700 km (about 2300 mi) from north to south. Its coastline measures some 25,760 km (about 16,010 mi). The area of the commonwealth is 7,682,300 sq km (2,966,200 sq mi), and the area of the continent alone is 7,614,500 sq km (2,939,974 sq mi), making Australia the smallest continent in the world, but the sixth largest country.

  The Commonwealth of Australia is made up of six states---New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia---and two territories---the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. The external dependencies of Australia are the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands, the Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, the Territory of Cocos Islands (also called the Keeling Islands), the Coral Sea Islands Territory, the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, and Norfolk Island.
Official name: Commonwealth of Australia
Capital: Canberra



  A dietary specialist, the koala, obtains most of its nourishment from the leaves of just half a dozen species of eucalyptus in its home forests of eastern Australia. The leaves, high in fiber and rich in the aromatic chemicals familiar to anyone who has ever sucked a cough drop, require intensive processing to release their nutrients and render their toxins harmless. A koala's gut has an enormous appendix-four times as long as its body-in which microbes busily digest its leafy diet. At weaning time, a baby koala receives these necessary microbes by eating a special fecal pap produced by its doting mother.

                    Red kangaroo
  Humanity's negative impact on wildlife-especially on larger mammals and birds-has become a sad cliché. Still, some species, such as the coyote and white-tailed deer in North America, have increased in numbers in response to people. In Australia, the red kangaroo has similarly prospered. Sheep ranchers favor this largest of the continent's native mammals by converting woodlands to grasslands, providing sources of permanent water, and fencing out or killing the dingo. Even though it may be persecuted by the same ranchers as a competitor of their livestock, the kangaroo has benefited overall, and its population stands in the millions.

                  Sydney opera house
  The gleaming white sails of the Sydney opera house grace port Jackson, the city's superb natural harbor. The impressive cultural center was designed by a Danish architect and is recognized worldwide as a symbol of this thriving Australian City. Sydney Harbor Bridge, another of Sydney's landmarks, connects the north shore of the bay with the downtown area.



                 Australian aborigines

  The Australian aborigines are a group of slender people with brown skin. They have brown eyes and dark wavy hair, and many of the men have beards. When the first Europeans went to Australia to live, there were about 300,000 aborigines there, they were divided into 500 tribes, each with its own language. Each tribe was a related family group and lived in its own area.
  The aborigines have been in Australia for at least 10,000 years. No one knows for sure, but they probably came from the mountains of southern Asia. Perhaps they left there because there were too many people living in their area. This is called population pressure. Scientists think that at one time Australia was connected to Asia by a land bridge. The aborigines traveled south by land. Then there were changes in the Earth and the land between Australia and Asia became islands. The aborigines were cut off from the rest of the world for thousands of years.
  Australia was a difficult land to live in. It is huge, but it has no large river systems. Most of the country receives less than 25 centimeters of rain per year. However, the aborigines learned to live in the desert. Each tribe had its own watering hole. They learned to hunt animals and insects for food. They made flour from grass seeds. In the cold areas they made warm clothes from kangaroo skin. They usually slept outdoors by a fire with their pet dogs nearby. They probably brought these dogs with them from Asia. The dogs are very different from the native Australian animals.
  Religion was very important in the lives of the aborigines. They had stories about the creation of the Earth, the stars, and the moon. They believed that human beings never died, but became a part of nature. They passed down their stories from one generation to the next. Parents taught their children these beliefs, and the children taught their children. They call these ancient beliefs that they learned from their ancestors the “dreaming”or the “dream time”.
  The aborigines invented the boomerang. It is a curved throwing stick that they used for hunting and for war. The boomerang is thin, light, and well balanced. When someone throw a boomerang, it completes a circle and returns to the thrower.
  Life was very difficult for aborigines because of the desert climate. Yet their lives were rich in art. They carved and painted designs on their boomerangs and other objects. They also painted on bark. They made beautiful cave paintings and rock carvings.
  The Europeans killed many of the aborigines, many died from diseases that the Europeans brought. Others were driven from their homelands and many died of hunger. Today, there are only about 140,000 aborigines left. But their numbers are increasing. Many of them work on sheep and cattle stations, (Australians use the word station for a farm that raises animals.) Evonne Goolagong ,an international tennis star, is part aborigine.
  It might be easy to forget about the aborigines in Australia because most of the population is European. However, there is one thing to make us remember them. There are thousands of aborigine place names. When we see towns called Wooloomooloo, Wagga Wagga, Toowoomba, or Murwillumbah, we know that the aborigines have made a contribution to Australian life.



Unit 3 Australia

 camp daily life be connected to/with
 go camping round up catch sb. doing sth.
 rather than give birth to follow a track
 beyond die of thirst become/be experienced at sth./doing sth.
 fix up get sunburnt take this way/path/track/road…feed…on…
 tie…to… die from be separated from
 argue lack of water take land as one's own
 wash away feed on a curiously shaped piece of wood
 hand down depend on get/be caught in the traffic/rain…

 Be careful!
 Look out!
 Take care.
 Don't do sth.
 You mustn't do sth.

 Whenever the Kooris defended their rights, they were killed.
 No school lessons were held in languages rather than English.
 In area it is about the same size as the USA, which has more than thirteen times as many




Unit 3 Australia



  (1) fix up
   [说明]搭起(=put up),安装,修理;安排,提供。
     They fixed up a simple operation table at one end of the room.
     Can you fix up a meeting with the director?
     He fixed up a friend for the night.
     We were fixed up for the night in a hotel.
  (2) hand down
   [说明]与pass down意义相同。
     The old house has been handed down for three generations.
     We can't always observe the traditions handed down to us from the past.
  (3) rather than
   [说明]而不是; 与其……宁愿。
     The colour seems green rather than blue.
     He ran rather than walked.
  (4) become/be experienced at/in sth./doing sth.
     He is experienced at teaching beginners.
     experienced还可以做定语: an experienced player
1. They were quite experienced ___ cars.
  A. at repairing B. in repairing C. repairing D. A or B
2. If you see him, tell him we____ the matter.
  A. have repaired B. have fixed up C. have mended D. fixed up.
3. I'd like to live in the countryside _____cities.
  A. rather in the B. instead C. rather than D. not
4. The story was _____ from father to son.
  A. handed down B. handed in
  C. handed out D. handed round
5. He would walk for miles rather than ____at home.
  A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited
6. She is an____ teacher.
  A. experience B. experienced C. experiencing D. to experience


  (1) 现在分词做宾补
     I saw some boys playing football in the street.
     The heavy rain kept us staying inside.
     We were kept waiting for you for a long time.
  (2) 现在分词做状语
     Walking in the park, she saw an old friend. (时间)
     Not knowing her address, we couldn't get in touch with her. (原因)
     We stood facing each other. (伴随) (分词做伴随状语通常放句子后面)
     a) 现在分词做时间、原因状语相当于一个时间、原因状语从句。
      Walking in the park, she saw an old friend.
      =When she was walking in the park,….
      Not knowing…, she couldn't….
      =Because she didn't know…, she couldn't….
     b) 如果动词ing形式表示的是一个极短暂的动作,该动作一发生,谓语表示的动作立刻发生。
      Seeing the picture, she couldn't help thinking of the old days.
      Turning round, John found a car driving up towards him.
     c) 如果两个动作是同时发生的,用when或while加现在分词结构。
      When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us.
      Don't mention this while talking to him.
     d) 如果现在分词表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生,分词要用完成式
      Having done his homework, he went to his aunt's.

1. _____for a long time, he could hardly support himself.
  A. Having fallen ill B. Having been ill
  C. Falling ill D. To be ill
2. _____his cigarette, he got up to answer the telephone.
  A. Having put off B. Putting on
  C. Put down D. Putting out
3. I like sleeping _____ only my head exposed.
  A. to leave B. left
  C. leaving D. in leaving
4. The two cheats _____ the lights ____ all night.
  A. let; burning B. caused; to burn
  C. had; burning D. needed; burning
5. Don't keep ____ in such a dark room.
  A. him reading B. him to read
  C. his reading D. to be reading
6. On his way back home, he found his wallet _____.
  A. miss B. to miss
  C. missing D. losing



Unit 3 Australia


  (1) feed, feed on. feed…on…
   a)feed vt. ---give food to 喂养,用……喂养,把……喂给……吃
    She feeds the sheep on/with grass.
    Duck-billed platypus lay eggs, yet feed their young on their milk.
    She feeds grass to the sheep.
   b)feed on ---take…as food 以……为食
    Sheep feed on grass.
  (2) a curiously shaped piece of wood, a widely used material/language…
   [说明]这些短语的意思是 “一块形状奇特的木头”,“一种广泛使用的材料/语言”。
     注意这些短语的构成: adv.+过去分词 +n.; 其中,副词修饰过去分词,二者再修饰名词。又如:
     a newly built house
     a wrongly pronounced sound
  (3) In area it is about the same size as the USA, which has more than thirteen times as
    many people.
   [说明]a)thirteen times as many people是thirteen times as many people as Australia
    has的省略形式。这是比较级句型as…as 前加倍数的表达方法: A is…times as + adj. + as B.
      This room is three times as large as that one.
      The students in our school are twice as many as those in that school.
     b)…it is about the same size as the USA 这里有the same as结构,
     as引导一个定语从句,是as the USA is中省略了is。此外,还有such as 结构。
      The house is just the same as it used to be.
      Such girls as she mentioned should be praised.
  (4) catch sb.doing sth.
     The police caught the thief stealing in the supermarket.
     The thief was caught stealing in the supermarket.

1. There are 800 students in that school. In our school, there are _____.
  A. twice as many B. twice as much
  C. twice as many as D. twice so many as in that school
2. One strange animal ____eggs, yet feeds its young ____ its milk.
  A. lay; on B. lays; on C. laid; with D. laid; on
3. That was the second time he had been caught by the police ____ drug to others.
  A. sell B. selling C. to sell D. sold
4. Cows ____ hay during winter.
  A. feed with B. feed on C. are feeding on D. is fed on
5. The policy is a _____ policy.
  A. carefully decided B. careful decided
  C. careful deciding D. carefully deciding


 (1) 现在分词做宾补与过去分词、不定式做宾补的区别。
      I often see him pass my school.
      I saw him passing my school when I came out.
      I asked my brother to carry my luggage.
      I had my luggage carried.
      I found them doing the work busily when I arrived.
      I found the work already done when I arrived.
 (2) A: Standing on the top of the tall building, we can see the whole city.
   B: Seen from the top of the tall building, the city looks beautiful.

1. _____ that a good movie was on, he was eager to see it.
  A. Having been told B. Having told
  C. Having been talked D. He had talked
2. When _____about by her mother, the girl burst into tears.
  A. asking B. having
  C. asked D. to be asked
3. ____, someone rang me up.
  A. On having a bath B. While having a bath
  C. Having a bath D. When I was having a bath
4. When he awoke, he found himself ____by an old woman.
  A. looked after B. be looked after
  C. being looked after D. be looking after
5. Running through the woods, the little boy heard birds ____ first, and then his
  name_____ from behind by a familiar voice.
  A. to whistle; called B. whistling; to be called
  C. whistle; calling D. whistling; called


Unit 3 Australia
(1) 网站名称:National Wildlife Federation

(2) 网站名称:Effect

(3) 网站名称:Australian Aborigines History and Culture, Research Project
   网站地址: http://www.aaa.com.au/hrh/aboriginal/

(4) 网站名称:流心英语角

(5) 网站名称:英语专刊

(6) 网站名称:英语天堂