2008年,是不平凡的一年。这一年里,我们经历了雪灾和地震,见证了奥运火炬传递的艰辛和奥运会的盛大成功,也目睹了航天员太空行走的壮举。 这一年,新闻事件层出不穷,随之而来的各类新闻热词也不断涌现。在这里,我们摘录了2008年在主流媒体中出现频率较高的一些新闻热词并配以英文解释,希望能用这样的方式记录刚刚过去的这不寻常的一年。
科学发展观 scientific outlook on development
the scientific outlook on development means putting people first and aiming at comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. 科学发展观即“坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观。”
服务型政府 service-oriented government
the ultimate goal of building a service-oriented government is to enhance the government's capability and level of service. 建设服务型政府的最终目标是增强政府的执政能力和水平。
三通 three direct links
shorthand for direct links in post, transportation and trade between the chinese mainland and taiwan.
次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis
the further impact of us subprime mortgage crisis on china's economy and monetary policy cannot be underestimated, central bank governor zhou xiaochuan warned thursday.
手足口病 hand-foot-mouth disease (hfmd)
hfmd, characterized by fever, sores in the mouth and rashes on hands and feet, is not a new infection and is common among infants and children, experts say. it can be triggered by various viruses and usually does not lead to death.
手机漫游费 mobile roaming service charges
china's ministry of information industry (mii) and national development and reform commission (ndrc) jointly announced the country's mobile roaming service charges would be lowered starting from march 1.
垃圾短信 spam message
china mobile said it had received about 4,000 complaints each day over spam messages before march 15. a statement from the company reported the number of daily complaints has now decreased to 2,000, but did not provide details on the reduction.
人肉搜索 human flesh search engine, cyber manhunt
人肉搜索引擎就是指在利用现代信息科技和传统搜索引擎的同时,更多地利用人工参与来提取搜索引擎提供的信息的一种机制。因为这个说法是中国的网民自创的,所以有些地方直接用renrou search engine来表示。
beijing court has issued what's being treated as the first decision to award damages for emotional distress in a case involving human flesh search engines. a beijing man surnamed yan won 10,000 yuan in emotional damages from his former employer, along with 1,300 yuan for economic losses.
矿难 mining mishap
authorities will launch a three-month inspection on oct 11 to prevent coalmine accidents nationwide, following a slew of fatal mining mishaps in the past months, the state administration of work safety (saws) announced on its website.
封口费 hush money
hush money is a bribe paid to someone to insure that something is kept secret.(为了让某人对某事保密而行的贿赂)
investigations by the local government revealed that dozens of journalists, some genuine and some not, went to the mine not to report on the accident, but to receivehush money.
堰塞湖 quake lake, barrier lake
the upper stream of the qianjiang river near beichuan county was damaged in the may 12 earthquake, forming "quake lakes" as water was shoved from its bed by rock and mud slides sent off by the earthquakes.
过渡安置房 temporary dwellings, pre-fabricated house
during his stay, hu was shown around so that he could learn about these temporary dwellings.
廉租房 low-rent house
the government plans to earmark 6.8 billion yuan ($956.6 million) in its 2008 budget to build low-rent houses for the urban poor.
火炬传递 torch relay
lhasa is now basically restored to order and the tibet autonomous regional government will ensure the stability there and the smooth operation of the torch relay scaling the world's highest peak.
直航包机 direct charter(ed) flight
the weekend charter flights across the taiwan strait will begin on the first weekend in july, and flights will be arranged from friday to monday. it is expected (that) direct charter flights will operate daily before the end of the year.
单双号 even and odd-numbered license plate
beijing is to ban vehicles with even and odd-numbered license plates on alternate days from july 20 to sept. 20 to help improve air quality for the olympic games, the city has announced.
婴幼儿配方奶粉 baby formula, infant formula
formula is an artificial substitute for human breast milk, designed for infant consumption(配方奶是能够替代母乳为婴儿生长与发育提供所需营养的一种人工食品)
the new zealand-based fonterra, a major investor in the chinese dairy firm sanlu says the company has recalled a line of baby formula after a "quality" issue.
太空行走 spacewalk
extra-vehicular activity (eva) “舱外活动具体分为spacewalk(太空行走)和moonwalk(月球行走)。
before the spacewalk, the astronaut shouldering the historic task will need the help of another to put on a 120kg, non-powered spacesuit for the extra vehicular activity (eva).
实体经济 real economy
real economy是与fictitious economy(虚拟经济)相对应的一个概念,是指物质的、精神的产品和服务的生产、流通等经济活动。实体经济始终是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础。而虚拟经济是指相对独立于实体经济的虚拟资本的经济活动。虚拟资本一般指以有价证券形式(如债券、股票)存在的未来预期收益的资本化。
paul krugman, this year's nobel economics laureate, points out: "even if the (us) rescue now in train succeeds in unfreezing credit markets, the real economy has immense downward momentum."
(政府)救助 bailout
金融危机袭来之初,为了保护美国金融市场,降低经济进一步受创的风险,美联储向aig提供最多850亿美元的紧急贷款,并获得aig 79.9%的股东权益。
bailout是经济学中的一个常见词,a term used to describe a situation where a bankrupt or nearly bankrupt entity, such as a corporation or a bank, is given a fresh injection of liquidity, in order to meet its short term obligations, often by governments or consortia of investors(集团在面临倒闭的情况下,由政府或投资财团提供短期资金注入以助其度过难关的情况,即“救助”)。
改革开放30周年 30 years of reform and opening up
reform and opening up are ways to make china powerful.