it takes only a few clicks for a college grad to get a long list of companies that he or she can look for an internship with. it's also easy to send an application online and, who knows, that simple bit of work might lead to a real job offer.
at least, that's what the communist youth league beijing committee says it has for grads. the committee has responded to the dismal employment outlook with a plan to work with a number of enterprises to provide a wide range of internship opportunities.
one example of its plan came this past january, when 20 university students from around the city began an 18-day internship trial program at xiangda international hotel. at the end, four of them had job offers from the hotel. the committee has 260 enterprises enlisted in the first group of internships, with 7,800 positions for grads and laid-off workers to apply for.
jia xiaochuan, of the committee's college department, explained the program for us.
21st: what distinguishes this internship program from others?
jia: its most obvious feature is that student interests are looked out for throughout the internship. the enterprises have several obligations:
they have to sign a 3-year agreement with us that requires them take on at least 10 interns every year. the internship period is usually about 3 months, but it could vary a bit.
they are also required to provide personal injury coverage for the interns, as well as a monthly allowance or lodging or food, during the internship. the standard minimum allowance is 800 yuan.
the enterprises also sign an agreement with the students. if a company does not honor the contract, the student can report the situation and the company might be removed from the list next year.
21st: who's eligible for the internship programs? what are the selection criteria?
jia: there are five categories in the program: undergraduates, the current year's graduates, previous year's graduates who haven't found a job, unemployed young people, and youth migrant workers.
the enterprises decide on the criteria and have the final say on the students they accept. it's all done on a fair, open basis. but we encourage them to pick those whose families are having economic difficulties, if the person is competitive in all other ways.
21st: how do students apply for this?
jia: you can register at the official website at there are two ways to apply: send an online application through the website, or contact the company directly through the information on the website.