毫无机会 a snowball's chance in hell
见不得人的事 a skeleton in one's closet
一时口误 slip of the tongue
徒劳无益 run around in circles
喜欢小伙的老女人 cougar
养小蜜的男人 sugar daddy
老牛吃嫩草 rob the cradle
忽略 slip one's mind
简单明了 short and sweet
名声扫地 one's name is mud.
无法接受 out of line
苍天有眼 somebody up there loves me.
煽情片 sob story
七上八下 at sixes and sevens
变卦 sing a different tune
十分完美 to a T
试探某人 sound out someone
故弄玄虚 snow job
明确表态 take a stand on something
连懵带骗 pull the wool over someone's eyes
喋喋不休 run something into the ground
自作自受 stew in one's own soup
格格不入 a square peg in a round hole
吓得要死 scare out of one's wit
错失良机 miss the boat
皮包骨 skin and bones
缓缓前进 move at a snail's pace
大美女 knockout
十分重视 set great store on something
随大流 run with the world
名震四海 set the world on fire; take the world by storm
闲扯 shoot the breeze
一着不慎满盘皆输 the straw that breaks the camel's back
强心剂 a shot in the arm
投降认输 throw in the towel
爽约的人 no-show
失约 stand someone up
满面春风 look like a million bucks
看见别人黑看不到自己黑 pot calling the kettle black
口之心快 shoot straight
掳胳膊网袖子 roll up one's sleeves
溜须拍马 butter someone up
遭到报应 chickens come home to roost.
空中楼阁 castles in the air.
坐立不安 climb the wall
临阵退缩 chicken out
全速前进 full steam ahead
偷工减料 cut corners
血浓于水 blood is thicker than water
废寝忘食 burn the candle at both ends.
自吹自擂 blow one's own horn
口无遮拦 call a spade a spade
左右不是人 damned if you do, damned if you don't
破釜沉舟 burn one's bridge behind one
对牛弹琴 case pearls before swine
手忙脚乱 all thumbs
自寻烦恼 ask for trouble
过往不咎 bury the hatchet
大获全胜 beat the pants off
关键时刻 when the chips are down
镇定自若 cool as a cucumber
自毁长城 kill the goose that laid the golden eggs
羊入虎口 babe in the woods
不费吹灰之力 easy as pie
全神贯注 ear to the ground
和盘托出 come clean
福祸相依 every clound has a silver lining.
鳄鱼眼泪 crocodile tears
对天发誓 cross one's heart and hope to die.
自废武功 cook one's goose
勇敢面对 face up to, face the music
忙得团团转 busy as a beaver
无论如何 come hell or high water
盲目乐观 count the chickens before they are hatched.
刚出狼窝又入虎穴 from the frying pan into the fire.
不伦不类 neither fish nor fowl.
泪如雨下 cry one's eyes out
雷声大雨点小 bark is worse than one's bite.
沧海一栗 a drop in the bucket
来得容易去得容易 easy come easy go.
萝卜青菜各有所爱 different strokes for defferent folks.
不请自来 crash the gate
走下坡路 go downhill
江河日下 gone to the dogs
烂醉如泥 drunk as a skunk
精神抖擞 feel one's oats
达到标准 cut the mustard
眼冒金花 have one's bell rung
伤心欲绝, 追悔莫及 eat one's heart out
得来全不费功 夫 fall into one's lap