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Women are the most complex creatures known, they are sweet, charming, but they have different sense of everything, they are the difficult ones to please, yes! Take an example of your mother! 女人是世界上最复杂的生活。她们一会儿甜美迷人,一会儿又性情大变、难以讨好。想想你老妈!(你懂的~) I am not writing this post to offend all the females out there, but there are some habits that I am mentioning here which are really annoying! You will surely find the ten habits worth laughing, but poor you all we cannot change! As it is the women factor in us。 我这么说并非要挑起公愤,但下面一些习惯不仅烦人,还很可笑;可怕的是,我们还没法改掉——因为女人生来如此! 10. Comparison 攀比 “He used to be like that and you…!” or “Stop acting like him!” Well these statements are the ones which made them do whatever they want to, and this habit is really annoying for guys, as they hate being compared! “以前他对我……可你呢!”“你别跟他学啦!”——这种话总能让女人达到目的,可男人却烦恼无比,他们讨厌被比较! 9. Crying at everything 哭!哭!哭! “My friend just got dumped!*tears*”, “It’s my 16trh Birthday!*tears*”, “I want to have an ice cream!*tears*” and the waterworks begin on every single thing! And when you ask them what happened! They are like “No, everything is fine!” Take this FINE really seriously, because it consists of some seriously INSANE things that happened to her, and the tears just start flowing until they are quiet! Well actually they don’t just become quiet but they feel better, and start talking again。 “我朋友刚被甩了!(洒泪~)”,“这是我16岁生日!(洒泪~)”,“我要吃冰激凌!(洒泪~)”几乎任何小事都能刺激到女人的泪腺。如果你问她们怎么了,她们可能会说“没什么”;可你别以为真没事——肯定有什么犄角旮旯的事发生了。而且,她们一般会哭上好长时间才会静下来。其实她们感觉好点儿也不会静下来,她们会又开始说不停了。 8. Late for everything 各种迟到 “DONE! I’ll be there on time!” Yes, that is not true! Because women always lose track of time and either they are just late or fashionably late. And then you hear them saying like” AM I LATE!” don’t you just want to bang your head in the wall? “说定了!我一定准时到!” 好吧,你可别信以为真。女人要么没时间概念,要么会故意迟到。然后还会问一句“我迟到了吗?”,等的人是不是特想撞墙? 7. Bitching and being mean 尖酸刻薄 When it comes to bitching, yes! Females take the top spot, when it comes to jealousy and competition nobody can take the position but them. Even getting jealous from their friends, they wear the best stuff so that the other women around them are like WOW and the particular woman they want to impress is THE ENEMY, she can easily take her down in no time。 说起刻薄,女人天下无敌!她们争风吃醋、勾心斗角,甚至连朋友都嫉妒。有时,她们穿最靓的衣服,只是为了压倒众人、立马打败某个“竞争对手”。 6. Overdramatic 夸大其词 “WHAT!! DID SHE…!! DID SHE DO THAT!!” that is an expression when a girl hears that some friend of hers got a haircut, I mean seriously? “什么?!她真的……那样做了吗??”如果身边有人剪了短发,女人总会这么咋呼。 “Aww, Did you see the baby! God! She looked so adorable! Eeeeeehh!” that is an expression when a girl saw a baby girl laughing! 如果看到宝宝冲她微笑,她可能会惊叫起来:“哇,看见没?宝宝真可爱耶!!!” “SHOPPPPINGGGGG!!!!*SCREAMS*” yes, they are so overdramatic! 还有像“购物去啦!!!” 这种尖叫,也很常见。女人可真能夸张啊…… 5. I have nothing to wear! 没衣服穿! Girls have this annoying habit of deciding what to wear! Their closet is full of clothes, shoes, jewelry and they are like calling their boyfriends or best friends crying and say “I have nothing to wear!” or “I just don’t know what to wear”. Well you know this thing normally happens because girls usually think that they should not be wearing anything twice! As her friends or other girls have seen it already! This is totally insane and irritating! 就算衣柜里塞满衣服、鞋子、首饰,她们还是会跟好友或男友抱怨 “没衣服穿!” 或“不知道穿哪件好!” 在她们看来,一件衣服就不该重复穿。别人都看她穿过了,哪还有新鲜感!——这习惯实在令人气恼。 4. Cutting in Line 插队 Even there is a huge board placed at a place saying “Wait for your turn!” or there is a queue of people standing, but these women actually do push people and cut in line, may be they consider it their right to do such thing and yeah! The worst part, they actually make a lot of excuses after doing it。 哪怕牌子上写着“请排队等候”,或前面有人在排队,有些女人还是会肆无忌惮地插队,觉得没啥大不了。而且最讨厌的是,她们事后总能找出一大堆理由搪塞你。 3. Driving 开车慢 Without looking at the person sitting on a driving seat, you can easily say “it is a woman driving!” Yeah because women drive so slowly and their every move is so confusing that you easily know who the driver is. I don’t get it why are they scared to step a little harder on the accelerator? I swear it won’t break! 有时候,不用看就知道开车的是女人——因为她缩手缩脚、慢慢腾腾。真想不通她踩油门时干嘛就不能用点力,难道油门会断不成? 2. Gossiping 闲言碎语 A girl just came back from shopping, or she bought a new pair of shoes or she had a haircut, or she had a fight with her boyfriend, here goes the phone call to her best friends and the gossip starts. It starts with “Hey you know!” and it goes off when they are tired. And when you just look at a girl’s expression when she is taking, it is a mixture of shock, irritating laughter, sad faces and so many other expressions。 出去购物了、买了双新鞋、剪了新发型或跟男朋友吵了架——拿起手机,赶快跟闺蜜煲电话,不耗干口水不罢休!而且,她的表情会千变万化,一会儿震惊、一会儿悲伤,一会儿可能又大笑了! 1. Do I look FAT! 我胖不胖? Every girl has this irritating habit of asking their boyfriends “do I look fat” and you reply “no you look ok!” and they are like “What! do I look just OK to you? That means I am fat!” Yeah! This is irritating, they look ok but still they think they are fat and that actually irritate the hell out of a man! 几乎所有女生都会问男朋友这个问题。如果男朋友只说“还不错”,她很可能翻脸:“原来在你眼里,我就一般般!那你就是嫌我胖!”这可真让人为难:明明就是“还不错”,她偏觉得自己胖。男朋友还不给逼疯!
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