Tokyo rejects islands protests
Japan has rejected protests from China and Taiwan over plans to buy islands at the centre of a territorial dispute from their private owner, saying planned purchase was aimed at “calm and stable” management of the uninhabited archipelago and nearby seas. 日本不接受中国和台湾针对日方计划向私人所有者购买处于领土纠纷中心的几个岛屿提出的抗议,称购买计划意在维持这一无人居住的群岛及周边海域“平稳、安定”的管理。
Yoshihiko Noda, Japan’s prime minister, said at the weekend the central government was considering buying three islands in the remote Japanese-controlled Senkaku chain, known in China as the Diaoyu and in Taiwan as the Diaoyutai. 日本首相野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)上周末表示,日本中央政府正考虑购买偏远的尖阁诸岛(Senkaku)的3个岛屿。这个日本实际控制下的群岛在中国被称为钓鱼岛(Diaoyu),在台湾被称为钓鱼台岛(Diaoyutai)。
Beijing and Taipei objected, with China’s foreign ministry saying the country would continue to take necessary measures to “resolutely defend” sovereignty over the islands, a collection of rocky outcrops in the East China Sea. 北京和台北方面反对该计划。中国外交部表示,中国将继续采取必要的措施,“坚决捍卫”这些怪石嶙峋的东海小岛的主权。
“Nobody is allowed to trade in China’s sacred territory,” the ministry said. 中国外交部表示:“中国的神圣领土决不允许任何人拿来买卖。”
A Chinese military scholar has called for China’s new aircraft carrier to be named Diaoyu Islands. 一位中国军事学者呼吁将中国新的航空母舰命名为“钓鱼岛”。
Meanwhile in an essay published in the Communist party’s Global Times newspaper yesterday, Major Genera Luo Yuan suggested China should use areas near the Diaoyu for military exercises, including guided missile tests, and should make one island an air force live firing range. 与此同时,罗援少将昨天在中共旗下报纸《环球时报》(Global Times)撰文提出,中国应在钓鱼岛附近海域进行军演(包括制导导弹测试),还应将其中一个岛屿用作空军的实弹射击训练场。
Osama Fujimura, Japan’s most senior government spokesman, insisted that Japanese sovereignty over the islands was not in question and that the government had rejected the protests from China and Taiwan. 日本最高级别政府发言人藤村修(Osamu Fujimura)坚称,日本对该群岛拥有毫无疑问的主权,日本政府不接受中国和台湾的抗议。