1、cab n. ①vehicle (now usu motorised =taxicab) that may be hired for short journeys出租汽车;计程车 ②part of a railway engine for the driver and fireman; part of a bus, lorry, etc for the driver火车机车内供司机所坐之处;(公共汽车、卡车等之)司机室
2、lab n.short for laboratory(尤指化学)实验室
3、crab n. ten-legged shellfish ; its flesh as food 螃蟹,蟹肉
构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:crab apple (口)脾气坏的人;crabbed adj.潦草的,难懂的;crabber n.捕蟹人,好抱怨的人; crabby adj. 易怒的,好抱怨的;crablike adj. 似蟹的,似蟹行的;crabwise adj.(常为僵硬或笨拙的方式)横向的,蟹行般的
4、grab v. ①to take hold of with a sudden rough movement, esp. for a bad or selfish purpose攫取;抓住 ②to get quickly and perhaps unfairly抢先,抢占 ③to make a sudden attempt to grab(急速地)抓住;抓牢 ‖ n.a sudden attempt to take hold of something试图抓取;有意抢夺
【典型例句】 When her uncle died, she grabbed everything she could get her hands on.她的叔叔死后,她把能弄到手的东西全部都据为己有。
【词义辨析】 grab v.急抓,抢;指粗暴地、过急地扑住或抢某物,可表示贪心的意思;snatch v. 夺取,抓住;指突然猛力迅速地抓取某物。如:The thief snatched the woman’s bag.那贼抢走了这妇女的提包。grip v.抱紧,握紧,指用手的最大的力量来抓某物。如:The frightened child gripped his mother’s arm.受惊的孩子紧紧抓住他母亲的胳膊。grasp v.紧握,领会,指用手指头、爪等紧紧抓住,用于比喻意义,则指完全了解。如:Did you grasp the main points of the speech?你是否领会了这演讲的要点?
【常用词组】 grab at突然想抓住 / make a grab at 有意抢夺,试图抓取 / up for grabs供人竞购的;待价而沽的
5、stab v.pierce(sth.) or wound (sb.) with a pointed tool or weapon刺,戳 ‖ n.act of stabbing刺,戳【常用词组】 stab at sb.刺向某人 / a stab in the back暗箭伤人,背叛 / stab sb. with…用某物刺某人
6、web n.①a net of thin threads spun by some insects, esp. spiders, to trap other insects蜘蛛网 ②a detailed arrangement or network网状组织
【作者建议】 上网常见的缩写www, 即是world wide web之意。
7、rib n. one of the 12 pairs of bones running round the chest of a man or animal, from the spine to where they join at the front肋骨
8、lamb n. young sheep; its flesh as food羔羊,小羊(肉)
9、climb vt & vi go or get up or down; go higher , gain height 攀登;爬上;升 ‖ n. climbing , place (to be ) climbed 攀登;攀登之地
10、bomb n. hollow metal ball or shell filled with explosive for causing destruction on bursting炸弹 ‖ v. drop bombs on扔下炸弹
注意以mb结尾的词b不发音。comb n.梳子;towb n.坟墓;thumb n.拇指;climb v.爬
11、comb n. ①piece of metal, rubber, plastic ,etc with teeth for cleaning the hair , making it tidy 梳子 ②red fleshy crest of fowl 鸡冠
12、tomb n.hole dug in the ground, etc. for a dead body, esp. one with a stone monument over it墓
构词有法,扩散记忆! 由tomb联想到tombstone n.墓碑
13、dumb adj.①unable to speak 哑的 ②temporarily silent 暂时沉默的 ③stupid ; dull 笨的,愚蠢的
【常用词组】 dumb from birth 生来即哑 / strike dumb 使吓呆,(因恐惧等)说不出话 / dumb show 哑剧
14、plumb n.a mass of lead tied to the end of a string used to find out the depth of water or whether a wall is built exactly upright铅锤,测锤 ‖ v. ①to measure with a plumb用铅锤测量 ②to find out the meaning of探测,了解
15、thumb n. short thick finger set apart from the other four拇指 ‖ v.turn over the pages of (a book); make (a book, pages) worn or dirty by doing this翻动,把书本翻动(旧)
同类联想,扩散记忆! 由thumb联想到index食指;形近词:numb麻木的;dumb哑的
【常用词组】 under sb.'s thumb受…控制 / be all thumbs笨手笨脚的 / bite the thumbs at对…嗤之以鼻
16、crumb n.very small piece of dry food, esp a bit of bread or cake rubbed off or dropped from a large
17、job n.① regular paid employment工作,职位 ②a piece of work(一件)工作 ③something hard to do费劲的事,难做的工作
构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:jobber n.股票经纪人;jobbing a.做零工的,干散工的;jobless a. 失业的,无职业的;复合词:job centre n.(英国政府的)职业介绍所,就业服务中心;job lot n.成批出售的杂货;job sharing n.两个平均分担一份全职工作
【典型例句】 I'm looking for a new job, one where I get a bit more job satisfaction.
【常用词组】 out of a job失业/on the job在上班时,在干活时/make the best of a bad job不利的情况下尽力而为/give something up as a bad job对某事不再抱有希望/just the job正是想要的东西.
18.epidemic n. & adj. spreading rapidly among many people in the same place for a time流行的,传染的,流行性的‖ n.①disease spreading rapidly传染病 ②spreading (of a disease) (疾病的)流行,蔓延
19.comic adj. ①causing people to laugh 使人发笑的;滑稽的 ②of comedy 喜剧的总频率3次。
20.economic adj.①of economic经济学的 ②designed to give a profit划算的,牟利的,有利可图的总频率20次,词汇频率2次。
抓住词干,记住一串!联系记忆:economics n.经济学(-s表示…学)→economic adj.经济学的(ic形容词后缀)常见的表达法:economic activity经济活动;economic aid经济援助;economic growth经济增长;economic situation经济形势;economic reason经济原因
21.atomic adj.①of atom(关于)原子的 ②of the power of atom原子能
举例一番,可见一斑!派生于atom n.原子。由atomic构成的词语:atomic bomb原子弹(也作atom bomb);atomic age原子能时代;atomic energy原子能;atomic pile核反应堆;atomic power原子能力,原子能;atomic warhead原子弹头
22.organic adj.①of living things or the organs of the body生物的,有机物的,器官的 ②eastern; the eastern countries东方的,东方国家的
反义联想,扩散记忆!反义词:inorganic adj.无机的,无机物的
23.mechanic n.a person who is skilled in using, repairing, etc machinary技工,机械工,机修工
24.panic n. sudden uncontrollable fear or terror惊慌失措,恐慌,惊慌 ‖adj. fearful恐慌的,莫名其妙的‖v.cause to feel panic使恐慌
【词义辨析】 fear与panic:fear害怕,畏惧,词义广泛,很常用,指不安的感情和极度的紧张,也可指胆怯或心理不适的模糊状态。panic恐慌,惊惶,指突然发生的事件,随即控制不了的,迅速传开的恐惧,而且是引起混乱,且不起作用的行为。
25.picnic n.①a pleasure trip in which food is taken to be eaten somewhere outdoors野餐 ②easy work轻松的工作‖v.to go on or have a picnic野餐,参加野餐
26.scenic adj.①having or showing beautiful natural scenery风景优美的 ②of stage scenery布景的
27.clinic n.medical establishment for a specified purpose 诊所;门诊部
28.electronic adj. of electron电子的
抓住词干,记住一串!派生于electron n.电子,electro-电的。
其他派生词:electronics n.电子学
29.heroic adj.showing the qualities of a hero;extremely courageous英勇的,英雄式的
触类旁通,扩散记忆!派生词:heroics n.豪言壮语;复合词:heroic poems史诗;heroic couplet英雄偶句诗
30.tropic n.(the tropics) region between these two latitudes,with a hot climate热带地区
31.topic n.subject of a discussion,talk,programme,written work,etc.论题,话题,题目
构词有法,扩散记忆!topic=top+ic,topical adj.有关题目的
【典型例句】Baseball is their favorite topicof conversation.
32.fabric n.a cloth made by threads woven together in any of various way 织物,(纺)织品表义喻义,扩散记忆!
注意fabric除了表示“布,织物”之义外,还可抽象地引申为“构造,组织”之义,如the fabric of society社会结构。
【词义辨析】 fabric指用任何材料(如棉花、尼龙、羊毛、丝等)和方式织成的东西;textile指纺织品或纺织原料的总称。故依题意,textile为正确选项。
33.atmospheric adj. of atmosphere大气的
34.hysteric(al) adj.in a state of hysteria歇斯底里的
35.historic adj.①important in history;having or likely to have an influence on history历史上有重大意义(影响)的,历史性的 ②of the times whose history has been recorded有历史记载的
36.Metric adj. of the metre公尺的,米制的
37.eccentric adj.(of a person,his behaviour) peculiars not normal(指人,行为)怪异的,古怪的
【典型例句】Wearing evening gowns all day is just part of her eccentricbehavior.整天穿着晚礼服是她的古怪行为中的一种。
【词义辨析】 benevolent adj.好心肠的,慈善的;melodious adj.指旋律优美的;particular adj.特定的。
38.basic adj.of a base基本的,根本的,基础的
构词有法,扩散记忆!派生于base n.基础,-ic为形容词后缀。其他派生词:basement n.地下层,地下室;basis n.基本,基础;basically adj. 基本的,根本地
【典型例句】Large masses of people lack the basicnecessities of life.许许多多的人缺乏生活必需品。
39.classic adj.①of the highest quality;having a value or position recognized and unquestioned 最佳的,第一流的 ②of the standard of ancient Greek and Latin literature,art and culture 古代希腊及罗马文学、艺术和文化之标准的,古典的 ③famous because of a long history 因历史悠久而著名 ‖ n.①writer,artist book etc of the highest class 第一流的作家、艺术家,著作等 ②the classics (literature of the ) ancient languages of Greece and Rome 古典著作;经典作品
classic既可作形容词表示“经典的”,也可作名词表示“古典学,古典著作”(classics);而classical是形容词,表“古典的”,如classical music古典音乐。
【典型例句】 His manual of botany has become a classic among scientists .他的植物学手册在科学家中已成为经典作品。
【词义辨析】 masterpiece 杰作; legend 传奇,传奇作品;work 用作复数时works 才表示“著作”。
40.music n.the arrangement of sounds in pattern,esp.to produce a pleasing effect;a written or printed set of notes音乐,乐曲
【常用词组】be music to someone’s ears使人高兴的消息,悦耳的声音 / face the music面对现实,面对困难,接受处罚 / set / put sth to music将…配上音乐
41.emphatic adj.having,showing emphasis强调的,着重的
emphasis n.强调;emphasize v.emphatically adv.坚决地,明确地
42.dramatic adj.①of drama 剧本的,戏剧的 ②sudden or exciting like an even in a stage play 戏剧性的, 激动人心的总频率1次。
【典型例句】His story of how he rescued the cat from the bottom of the well was quite dramatic.
【词义辨析】 dramatics 指业余者的戏剧作品或演出,是名词,通常与单数动词连用;drama 戏剧,剧本,是名词;dramatize 改编(小说等)为戏剧;戏剧性地处理
43.systematic adj.①done or acting according to a system or plan;methodical有系统的,有计划的,有方法的 ②planned in advance and done with malicious thoroughness and exactness非偶然的,故意的
44.idiomatic adj.(of a word,way of speaking,etc.) typical of the natural speech of a person speaking in their first language符合语言习惯的,成语的
45.diplomatic adj.①of diplomacy 外交的 ②tactful ;having diplomacy 圆滑的;有外交手腕的总频率1次。
46.automatic adj.self moving,done without thought(机器)自动的,(动作)无意识的,机械的
抓住词缀,扩散记忆!前缀auto-自己,自动,例如:auto biography 自传;autoalarm自动报警器
【词义辨析】 automobile汽车;autonomy自治;autumn秋天
47.fanatic adj.excessively enthusiastic 狂热的;狂热者的 ‖ n.a person who shows very great and often unreasoning keenness for something,esp.for a religious or political belief(宗教或信仰等方面的)狂热者,盲信者