医德 medical ethics
医托 a hospital stoolie/ a medical shill
普药 generic drug
医保卡 healthcare card
预约挂号 pre-registration
药价虚高 artificially high drug prices
医患纠纷 doctor-patient dispute over medical treatment
低保家庭 household receiving subsistence allowances
全民医保 basic healthcare services available for the entire population
医药分开 separation between medical and pharmaceutical services
全科医生 general practitioner
中西医并重 to lay equal stress on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine
实名制就诊 real-name registration system for medical treatment
居民健康档案 resident’s health record
医保覆盖面 coverage of basic medical insurance
药品零差价 zero mark up for drug sales/zero price difference for drug sales
城乡医疗救助 medical aid to both urban and rural residents
非公医疗机构 non-public healthcare institution
医生可多点执业 to allow physicians to practice medicine at more than one medical facility
医院属地化管理 localization of public hospital management
医疗费用上涨过快 soaring medical costs
社区卫生服务中心 community health service center
公立医院改革试点 pilot projects of the public hospital reform
异地就医结算服务 settlement service for medical treatment received in a different place
改变以药养医的状况 to change the situation wherein a hospital subsidizes its medical services with overly expensive drug prescriptions
新型农村合作医疗制度 the New Rural Cooperative Healthcare System
建立国家基本药物制度 to set up the National Essential Drugs System
城镇居民/职工基本医保 basic medical insurance for urban residents/employees
被纳入医保药品报销目录 the list of drugs covered by the basic national medical insurance
基本医疗保险关系转移接续 the transfer and continuation of one’s basic medical insurance record
提高医疗卫生服务的可及性 to improve the accessibility of healthcare services
医改要抓重点、克难症、下准药 The healthcare reform should focus on key factors, overcome difficulties and find adequate solutions to problems concerned.
促进基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化 to promote the progressive equalization of basic public healthcare services
以政府为主导的多元卫生投入机制 the multi-source healthcare investment mechanism with the government as the leading force
The problem of “expensive medical bills and difficult access to quality medical services” have been widely reduced.
The essential goal of the medical reform is to adhere to the public nature of public healthcare, establish a basic healthcare system, and provide the people with safe, effective, convenient and affordable basic healthcare services.