1 我们要有壮士断腕的决心,言出必行,说到做到,决不明放暗不放,避重就轻,更不能搞变相游戏。
We are determined to make that sacrifice. We will keep our promise and match up our words with action. We will never secretly hold on to the powers, shy away from difficult issues, and we will never play any games to get around the requirements of the reform.
2 把改革的红利、内需的潜力、创新的活力叠加起来,形成新动力
We need to combine the dividends of reform, the potential of domestic demand and the vitality of creativity so that these together will form drivers of economic growth.
3 要重点保障基本民生,来编织一张覆盖全民的保障基本民生的安全网。
We need to provide for basic necessities of the people to create a social safety net that covers the entire population and protect people’s basic needs.
4 公正是社会创造活力的源泉,也是提高人民满意度的一杆秤,
Fairness is the source of societal creativity and the yardstick for improving people’s satisfaction with the work of the government.
5 腐败和我们政府的信誉应该说水火不容。
Corruption is at complete variance with the nature of the government.
点评:at variance with意思是“与....有分歧,不一致”
6 为政清廉应该先从自己做起,己正,才能正人,这是古训,也是真理。自古有所谓“为官发财,应当两道”。
Clean government should start with oneself. Only one is upright him/herself can he/her ask others to be upright. This is an ancient adage but also a truth. Since ancient times, holding government office and making money have been two separate lanes
点评:原译有一个硬伤,应该是can he/she ask others....
7 我们还要建立和完善不能贪、不敢贪的反腐机制,
We will also establish a sound mechanism so that officials are unable to and dare not practice corruption.
8 要让人民过上好日子,政府就要过紧日子。
If people are to lead good lives, the government must be put on a tight budget.
9 刚才你说的话我怎么有有罪推定的感觉啊?
In your question I sensed presumption of guilt.
10 喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子。
Talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk.
点评:这个应该是整个记者招待会上最经典的一句话,也是译得最精彩的一句话。能把动词名词化是一个很难得的技巧,有人说读者是否受到了《悲惨世界》里边的唱段iI dreamed a dream的启发了,确实有可能啊。这个叫同源宾语。我开始对这句话的第一反应就是简单的Action speaks louder than words,但是缺点就是原文的形象动词的意义就没有了,而译者很巧妙地把动词名词化,保留了原文“喊”和“甩”两个活生生的动词的意象。
11 牵一发动全身的改革
The reform that will make an immediate and systemic impact.
12 明规则战胜潜规则。
Transparent rules will trump hidden rules.
13 触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。但是,再深的水我们也得趟,因为别无选择,
Sometimes stirring vested interests may be more difficult than stirring the soul. But however deep the water may be, we will wade into the water. This is because we have no alternative. (我开始翻译成了choice,绝对的错误啊)
14 所谓打断骨头还连着筋,同胞之间、手足之情,没有解不开的结。
Bones may be broken but not sinews, because we are fellow compatriots. Between us, there is no knot that can not be untied.
15 花好总有月圆时。
When flowers are in full bloom, there will be a time when the moon will be full again.
It is also important to prevent the typical malice that might plague the cities so that we won’t have a situation where skyscrapers coexist with shanty towns.
17 新型城镇化必须和农业现代化相辅相成。
The new type of urbanization should go hand in hand with agricultural modernization.
18 政府应当铁腕执法、铁面问责。
We will face the situation and punish the offenders without mercy and enforce the law with an iron fist.
19 行大道、民为本、利天下。
To follow the great way, to put people first and to benefit all on the heaven.
20 己所不欲,勿施于人,这是中国人的信条。
One should not impose on others what he himself does not desire. This is an article of faith for us.