轻轨火车 light rail train
轻水反应堆 light water reactor( LWR)
倾销 dump; dumping
清洁能源 clean energy
清明节 Pure Bright Festival; Tomb Sweeping Day
清算/结算 clearing /settlement
清算公司 clearing corporation; liquidation company
清算银行 clearing bank
情商 emotion quotient (EQ)
求大同,存小异 seek common ground on major question while reserving differences on minor ones
区位商业 location-based commerce
区域经济 regional economies
取消禁运 lifting of embargo
圈外人士 people out of the loop
强力球(美国的全国性彩票) powerball
强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.
强强联手 win-win co-operation
强权外交 power diplomacy
强硬派伊斯兰教徒 hard-line Islamist
抢购 panic buying
侨胞 countrymen residing abroad
侵吞公款 embezzle public funds/ embezzlement of public funds
禽流感 bird flu
青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
青少年犯罪 juvenile deliquency
氢弹 hydrogen bomb
按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance with objective and scientific laws
八个坚持、八个反对 eight do’s and eight don’ts
八项主张 eight-point proposal
保持昂扬向上的精神状态 be filled with an enterprising spirit
保证中央的政令畅通 ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried out without fail
标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes
不确定因素 uncertainties
参政议政 participation in and deliberation of state affairs
长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe
长治久安 maintain prolonged stability
崇尚科学 respect and promote science
传播先进文化 spread advanced culture
传统安全威胁 traditional threats to security
从严治军 the army must be strict with itself
党的领导方式 the Party's style of leadership
党的民族政策 the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities
党的侨务政策 the Party's policy toward overseas Chinese affairs
党的宗教信仰自由政策 the Party's policy toward the freedom of religious belief
党风廉政建设责任制 responsibility system for improving the Party's work style and building clean government