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The countries on whose behalf the present Agreement is signed agree as follows:
CONSIDERING the importance of regional cooperation to sustain growth and promote economic and social development of the economies in Asia and thereby contribute to regional resilience against potential financial crises and other external shocks in the context of globalization;
ACKNOWLEDGING the significance of infrastructure development in expanding regional connectivity and improving regional integration, thereby promoting economic growth and sustaining social development for the people in Asia, and contributing to global economic dynamism;
REALIZING that the considerable long-term need for financing infrastructure development in Asia will be met more adequately by a partnership among existing multilateral development banks and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank");
CONVINCED that the establishment of the Bank as a multilateral financial institution focused on infrastructure development will help to mobilize much needed additional resources from inside and outside Asia and to remove the financing bottlenecks faced by the individual economies in Asia, and will complement the existing multilateral development banks, to promote sustained and stable growth in Asia;
HAVE AGREED to establish the Bank, which shall operate in accordance with the following:
第一章 宗旨、职能和成员资格
第一条 宗旨
Article 1 Purpose
1. The purpose of the Bank shall be to: (i) foster sustainable economic development, create wealth and improve infrastructure connectivity in Asia by investing in infrastructure and other productive sectors; and (ii) promote regional cooperation and partnership in addressing development challenges by working in close collaboration with other multilateral and bilateral development institutions.
2. Wherever used in this Agreement, references to “Asia” and “region” shall include the geographical regions and composition classified as Asia and Oceania by the United Nations, except as otherwise decided by the Board of Governors.
第二条 职能
Article 2 Functions
To implement its purpose, the Bank shall have the following functions:
(i) to promote investment in the region of public and private capital for development purposes, in particular for development of infrastructure and other productive sectors;
(ii) to utilize the resources at its disposal for financing such development in the region, including those projects and programs which will contribute most effectively to the harmonious economic growth of the region as a whole and having special regard to the needs of less developed members in the region;
(iii) to encourage private investment in projects, enterprises and activities contributing to economic development in the region, in particular in infrastructure and other productive sectors, and to supplement private investment when private capital is not available on reasonable terms and conditions; and
(iv) to undertake such other activities and provide such other services as may further these functions.
第三条 成员资格
Article 3 Membership
1. Membership in the Bank shall be open to members of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the Asian Development Bank.
(一) 域内成员是指列入附件一第一部分的成员及依照第一条第二款属亚洲区域的其他成员,其余则为域外成员。
(a) Regional members shall be those members listed in Part A of Schedule A and other members included in the Asia region in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1. All other members shall be non-regional members.
(二) 创始成员指已列入附件一、在第五十七条规定的日期当日或之前签署本协定并在第五十八条第一款规定的最终日期前已满足所有成员条件的成员。
(b) Founding Members shall be those members listed in Schedule A which, on or before the date specified in Article 57, shall have signed this Agreement and shall have fulfilled all other conditions of membership before the final date specified under paragraph 1 of Article 58.
2. Members of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or the Asian Development Bank which do not become members in accordance with Article 58 may be admitted, under such terms and conditions as the Bank shall determine, to membership in the Bank by a Special Majority vote of the Board of Governors as provided in Article 28.
3. In the case of an applicant which is not sovereign or not responsible for the conduct of its international relations, application for membership in the Bank shall be presented or agreed by the member of the Bank responsible for its international relations.
第二章 资本
第四条 法定股本
Article 4 Authorized Capital
1. The authorized capital stock of the Bank shall be one hundred billion United States dollars ($100,000,000,000), divided into one million (1,000,000) shares having a par value of 100,000 dollars ($100,000) each, which shall be available for subscription only by members in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.
2. The original authorized capital stock shall be divided into paid-in shares and callable shares. Shares having an aggregate par value of twenty billion dollars ($20,000,000,000) shall be paid-in shares, and shares having an aggregate par value of eighty billion dollars ($80,000,000,000) shall be callable.
3. The authorized capital stock of the Bank may be increased by the Board of Governors by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28, at such time and under such terms and conditions as it may deem advisable, including the proportion between paid-in and callable shares.
4. The term “dollar” and the symbol “$” wherever used in this Agreement shall be understood as being the official currency of payment of the United States of America.
第五条 股本认缴
Article 5 Subscription of Shares
1. Each member shall subscribe to shares of the capital stock of the Bank. Each subscription to the original authorized capital stock shall be for paid-in shares and callable shares in the proportion two (2) to eight (8). The initial number of shares available to be subscribed by countries which become members in accordance with Article 58 shall be that set forth in Schedule A.
2. The initial number of shares to be subscribed by countries which are admitted to membership in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 3 shall be determined by the Board of Governors; provided, however, that no such subscription shall be authorized which would have the effect of reducing the percentage of capital stock held by regional members below seventy-five (75) per cent of the total subscribed capital stock, unless otherwise agreed by the Board of Governors by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28.
3. The Board of Governors may, at the request of a member, increase the subscription of such member on such terms and conditions as the Board may determine by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28; provided, however, that no such increase in the subscription of any member shall be authorized which would have the effect of reducing the percentage of capital stock held by regional members below seventy-five (75) per cent of the total subscribed capital stock, unless otherwise agreed by the Board of Governors by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28.
4. The Board of Governors shall at intervals of not more than five (5) years review the capital stock of the Bank. In case of an increase in the authorized capital stock, each member shall have a reasonable opportunity to subscribe, under such terms and conditions as the Board of Governors shall determine, to a proportion of the increase of stock equivalent to the proportion which its stock theretofore subscribed bears to the total subscribed capital stock immediately prior to such increase. No member shall be obligated to subscribe to any part of an increase of capital stock.
第六条 对认缴股本的支付
Article 6 Payment of Subscriptions
1. Payment of the amount initially subscribed by each Signatory to this Agreement which becomes a member in accordance with Article 58 to the paid-in capital stock of the Bank shall be made in five (5) installments, of twenty (20) per cent each of such amount, except as provided in paragraph 5 of this Article. The first installment shall be paid by each member within thirty (30) days after entry into force of this Agreement, or on or before the date of deposit on its behalf of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 58, whichever is later. The second installment shall become due one (1) year from the entry into force of this Agreement. The remaining three (3) installments shall become due successively one (1) year from the date on which the preceding installment becomes due.
2. Each installment of the payment of initial subscriptions to the original paid-in capital stock shall be paid in dollars or other convertible currency, except as provided in paragraph 5 of this Article. The Bank may at any time convert such payments into dollars. All rights, including voting rights, acquired in respect of paid-in and associated callable shares for which such payments are due but have not been received shall be suspended until full payment is received by the Bank.
3. Payment of the amount subscribed to the callable capital stock of the Bank shall be subject to call only as and when required by the Bank to meet its liabilities. In the event of such a call, payment may be made at the option of the member in dollars or in the currency required to discharge the obligations of the Bank for the purpose of which the call is made. Calls on unpaid subscriptions shall be uniform in percentage on all callable shares.
4. The Bank shall determine the place for any payment under this Article, provided that, until the inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors, the payment of the first installment referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be made to the Government of the People’s Republic of China, as Trustee for the Bank.
5. A member considered as a less developed country for purposes of this paragraph may pay its subscription under paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, as an alternative, either:
(一) 可全部使用美元或其他可兑换货币,最多分十次缴付,每次缴付金额相当于总额的百分之十,第一次和第二次缴付的到期日参照第一款规定,第三次至第十次的缴付应在本协定生效两年内及之后每满一年内相继完成;或者
(a) entirely in dollars or other convertible currency in up to ten (10) installments, with each such installment equal to ten (10) percent of the total amount, the first and second installments due as provided in paragraph 1, and the third through tenth installments due on the second and subsequent anniversary dates of the entry into force of this Agreement; or
(二) 每次缴付中,成员可在部分使用美元或其他可兑换货币的同时,使用本币完成其中不超过百分之五十的缴付,并按照本条第一款规定的时间完成每次缴付,同时此类缴付应符合以下规定:
(b) with a portion in dollars or other convertible currency and a portion of up to fifty (50) per cent of each installment in the currency of the member, following the schedule of installments provided in paragraph 1 of this Article. The following provisions shall apply to payments under this sub-paragraph (b):
(i) The member shall advise the Bank at the time of subscription under paragraph 1 of this Article of the proportion of payments to be made in its own currency.
(ii) Each payment of a member in its own currency under this paragraph 5 shall be in such amount as the Bank determines to be equivalent to the full value in terms of dollars of the portion of the subscription being paid. The initial payment shall be in such amount as the member considers appropriate hereunder but shall be subject to such adjustment, to be effected within ninety (90) days of the date on which such payment was due, as the Bank shall determine to be necessary to constitute the full dollar equivalent of such payment.
(iii) Whenever in the opinion of the Bank, the foreign exchange value of a member's currency has depreciated to a significant extent, that member shall pay to the Bank within a reasonable time an additional amount of its currency required to maintain 6 the value of all such currency held by the Bank on account of its subscription.
(iv) Whenever in the opinion of the Bank, the foreign exchange value of a member's currency has appreciated to a significant extent, the Bank shall pay to that member within a reasonable time an amount of that currency required to adjust the value of all such currency held by the Bank on account of its subscription.
(v) The Bank may waive its rights to payment under sub-paragraph (iii) and the member may waive its rights to payment under sub-paragraph (iv).
6. The Bank shall accept from any member paying its subscription under sub-paragraph 5 (b) of this Article promissory notes or other obligations issued by the Government of the member, or by the depository designated by such member, in lieu of the amount to be paid in the currency of the member, provided such amount is not required by the Bank for the conduct of its operations. Such notes or obligations shall be non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing, and payable to the Bank at par value upon demand.
第七条 股份缴付条件
Article 7 Terms of Shares
1. Shares of stock initially subscribed by members shall be issued at par. Other shares shall be issued at par unless the Board of Governors by a Special Majority vote as provided in Article 28 decides in special circumstances to issue them on other terms.
2. Shares of stock shall not be pledged or encumbered in any manner whatsoever, and they shall be transferable only to the Bank.
3. The liability of the members on shares shall be limited to the unpaid portion of their issue price.
4. No member shall be liable, by reason of its membership, for obligations of the Bank.
第八条 普通资本
Article 8 Ordinary Resources
As used in this Agreement, the term "ordinary resources" of the Bank shall include the following:
(i) authorized capital stock of the Bank, including both paid-in and callable shares, subscribed pursuant to Article 5;
(ii) funds raised by the Bank by virtue of powers conferred by paragraph 1 of Article 16, to which the commitment to calls provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 6 is applicable;
(iii) funds received in repayment of loans or guarantees made with the resources indicated in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this Article or as returns on equity investments and other types of financing approved under sub-paragraph 2 (vi) of Article 11 made with such resources;
(iv) income derived from loans made from the aforementioned funds or from guarantees to which the commitment to calls set forth in paragraph 3 of Article 6 is applicable; and
(v) any other funds or income received by the Bank which do not form part of its Special Funds resources referred to in Article 17 of this Agreement.
第三章 银行业务运营
第九条 资金使用
Article 9 Use of Resources
银行资金仅可依照稳健的银行原则用于履行本协定第一条和第二条所规定的宗旨和职能。 The resources and facilities of the Bank shall be used exclusively to implement the purpose and functions set forth, respectively, in Articles 1 and 2, and in accordance with sound banking principles.
第十条 普通业务与特别业务
Article 10 Ordinary and Special Operations
1. The operations of the Bank shall consist of:
(i) ordinary operations financed from the ordinary resources of the Bank, referred to in Article 8; and
(ii) special operations financed from the Special Funds resources referred to in Article 17.
The two types of operations may separately finance elements of the same project or program.
2. The ordinary resources and the Special Funds resources of the Bank shall at all times and in all respects be held, used, committed, invested or otherwise disposed of entirely separately from each other. The financial statements of the Bank shall show the ordinary operations and special operations separately.
3. The ordinary resources of the Bank shall, under no circumstances, be charged with, or used to discharge, losses or liabilities arising out of special operations or other activities for which Special Funds resources were originally used or committed.
4. Expenses appertaining directly to ordinary operations shall be charged to the ordinary resources of the Bank. Expenses appertaining directly to special operations shall be charged to the Special Funds resources. Any other expenses shall be charged as the Bank shall determine.
第十一条 业务对象及方法
Article 11 Recipients and Methods of Operation
1. (a) The Bank may provide or facilitate financing to any member, or any agency, instrumentality or political subdivision thereof, or any entity or enterprise operating in the territory of a member, as well as to international or regional agencies or entities concerned with economic development of the region.
(b) The Bank may, in special circumstances, provide assistance to a recipient not listed in sub-paragraph (a) above only if the Board of Governors, by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28: (i) shall have determined that such assistance is designed to serve the purpose and come within the functions of the Bank and is in the interest of the Bank’s membership; and (ii) shall have specified the types of assistance under paragraph 2 of this Article that may be provided to such recipient.
2. The Bank may carry out its operations in any of the following ways:
(i) by making, co-financing or participating in direct loans;
(ii) by investment of funds in the equity capital of an institution or enterprise;
(iii) by guaranteeing, whether as primary or secondary obligor, in whole or in part, loans for economic development;
(iv) by deploying Special Funds resources in accordance with the agreements determining their use;
(v) by providing technical assistance in accordance with Article 15; or
(vi) through other types of financing as may be determined by the Board of Governors, by a Special Majority vote as provided in Article 28.
第十二条 普通业务的限制条件
Article 12 Limitations on Ordinary Operations
1. The total amount outstanding of loans, equity investments, guarantees and other types of financing provided by the Bank in its ordinary operations under sub-paragraphs 2 (i), (ii), (iii) and (vi) of Article 11 shall not at any time be increased, if by such increase the total amount of its unimpaired subscribed capital, reserves and retained earnings included in its ordinary resources would be exceeded. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Board of Governors may, by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28, determine at any time that, based on the Bank’s financial position and financial standing, the limitation under this paragraph may be increased, up to 250% of the Bank’s unimpaired subscribed capital, reserves and retained earnings included in its ordinary resources.
2. The amount of the Bank’s disbursed equity investments shall not at any time exceed an amount corresponding to its total unimpaired paid-in subscribed capital and general reserves.
第十三条 业务原则
Article 13 Operating Principles
The operations of the Bank shall be conducted in accordance with the principles set out below.
1. The Bank shall be guided by sound banking principles in its operations.
2. The operations of the Bank shall provide principally for the financing of specific projects or specific investment programs, for equity investment, and for technical assistance in accordance with Article 15.
3. The Bank shall not finance any undertaking in the territory of a member if that member objects to such financing.
4. The Bank shall ensure that each of its operations complies with the Bank’s operational and financial policies, including without limitation, policies addressing environmental and social impacts.
5. In considering an application for financing, the Bank shall pay due regard to the ability of the recipient to obtain financing or facilities elsewhere on terms and conditions that the Bank considers reasonable for the recipient, taking into account all pertinent factors.
6. In providing or guaranteeing financing, the Bank shall pay due regard to the prospects that the recipient and guarantor, if any, will be in a position to meet their obligations under the financing contract.
7. In providing or guaranteeing financing, the financial terms, such as rate of interest and other charges and the schedule for repayment of principal shall be such as are, in the opinion of the Bank, appropriate for the financing concerned and the risk to the Bank.
8. The Bank shall place no restriction upon the procurement of goods and services from any country from the proceeds of any financing undertaken in the ordinary or special operations of the Bank.
9. The Bank shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the proceeds of any financing provided, guaranteed or participated in by the Bank are used only for the purposes for which the financing was granted and with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency.
10. The Bank shall pay due regard to the desirability of avoiding a disproportionate amount of its resources being used for the benefit of any member.
11. The Bank shall seek to maintain reasonable diversification in its investments in equity capital. In its equity investments, the Bank shall not assume responsibility for managing any entity or enterprise in which it has an investment and shall not seek a controlling interest in the entity or enterprise concerned, except where necessary to safeguard the investment of the Bank.
第十四条 融资条件
Article 14 Terms and Conditions for Financing
1. In the case of loans made or participated in or loans guaranteed by the Bank, the contract shall establish, in conformity with the operating principles set forth in Article 13 and subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, the terms and conditions for the loan or the guarantee concerned. In setting such terms and conditions, the Bank shall take fully into account the need to safeguard its income and financial position.
2. Where the recipient of loans or guarantees of loans is not itself a member, the Bank may, when it deems it advisable, require that the member in whose territory the project concerned is to be carried out, or a public agency or any instrumentality of that member acceptable to the Bank, guarantee the repayment of the principal and the payment of interest and other charges on the loan in accordance with the terms thereof.
3. The amount of any equity investment shall not exceed such percentage of the equity capital of the entity or enterprise concerned as permitted under policies approved by the Board of Directors.
4. The Bank may provide financing in its operations in the currency of the country concerned, in accordance with policies that minimize currency risk.
第十五条 技术援助
Article 15 Technical Assistance
1. The Bank may provide technical advice and assistance and other similar forms of assistance which serve its purpose and come within its functions.
2. Where expenditures incurred in furnishing such services are not reimbursable, the Bank shall charge such expenditures to the income of the Bank.
第四章 银行资金
第十六条 一般权力
Article 16 General Powers
In addition to the powers specified elsewhere in this Agreement, the Bank shall have the powers set out below.
1. The Bank may raise funds, through borrowing or other means, in member countries or elsewhere, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
2. The Bank may buy and sell securities the Bank has issued or guaranteed or in which it has invested.
3. The Bank may guarantee securities in which it has invested in order to facilitate their sale.
4. The Bank may underwrite, or participate in the underwriting of, securities issued by any entity or enterprise for purposes consistent with the purpose of the Bank.
5. The Bank may invest or deposit funds not needed in its operations.
6. The Bank shall ensure that every security issued or guaranteed by the Bank shall bear on its face a conspicuous statement to the effect that it is not an obligation of any Government, unless it is in fact the obligation of a particular Government, in which case it shall so state.
7. The Bank may establish and administer funds held in trust for other parties, provided such trust funds are designed to serve the purpose and come within the functions of the Bank, under a trust fund framework which shall have been approved by the Board of Governors.
8. The Bank may establish subsidiary entities which are designed to serve the purpose and come within the functions of the Bank, only with the approval of the Board of Governors by a Special Majority vote as provided in Article 28.
9. The Bank may exercise such other powers and establish such rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate in furtherance of its purpose and functions, consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
第十七条 特别基金
Article 17 Special Funds
1. The Bank may accept Special Funds which are designed to serve the purpose and come within the functions of the Bank; such Special Funds shall be resources of the Bank. The full cost of administering any Special Fund shall be charged to that Special Fund.
2. Special Funds accepted by the Bank may be used on terms and conditions consistent with the purpose and functions of the Bank and with the agreement relating to such Funds.
3. The Bank shall adopt such special rules and regulations as may be required for the establishment, administration and use of each Special Fund. Such rules and regulations shall be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, except for those provisions expressly applicable only to ordinary operations of the Bank.
4. The term "Special Funds resources" shall refer to the resources of any Special Fund and shall include:
(i) funds accepted by the Bank for inclusion in any Special Fund;
(ii) funds received in respect of loans or guarantees, and the proceeds of any equity investments, financed from the resources of any Special Fund which, under the rules and regulations of the Bank governing that Special Fund, are received by such Special Fund;
(iii) income derived from investment of Special Funds resources; and
(iv) any other resources placed at the disposal of any Special Fund.
第十八条 净收入的分配和处置
Article 18 Allocation and Distribution of Net Income
1. The Board of Governors shall determine at least annually what part of the net income of the Bank shall be allocated, after making provision for reserves, to retained earnings or other purposes and what part, if any, shall be distributed to the members. Any such decision on the allocation of the Bank’s net income to other purposes shall be taken by a Super Majority vote as provided in Article 28.
2. The distribution referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be made in proportion to the number of shares held by each member, and payments shall be made in such manner and in such currency as the Board of Governors shall determine.
第十九条 货币
Article 19 Currencies
1. Members shall not impose any restrictions on currencies, including the receipt, holding, use or transfer by the Bank or by any recipient from the Bank, for payments in any country.
2. Whenever it shall become necessary under this Agreement to value any currency in terms of another or determine whether any currency is convertible, such valuation or determination shall be made by the Bank.
第二十条 银行偿债的方式
Article 20 Methods of Meeting Liabilities of the Bank
1. In the Bank’s ordinary operations, in cases of arrears or default on loans made, participated in, or guaranteed by the Bank, and in cases of losses on equity investment or other types of financing under sub-paragraph 2 (vi) of Article 11, the Bank shall take such action as it deems appropriate. The Bank shall maintain appropriate provisions against possible losses.
2. Losses arising in the Bank’s ordinary operations shall be charged:
(i) first, to the provisions referred to in paragraph 1 above;
(ii) second, to net income;
(iii) third, against reserves and retained earnings;
(iv) fourth, against unimpaired paid-in capital; and
(v) last, against an appropriate amount of the uncalled subscribed callable capital which shall be called in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 6.
第五章 治理
第二十一条 治理结构
Article 21 Structure
The Bank shall have a Board of Governors, a Board of Directors, a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, and such other officers and staff as may be considered necessary.
第二十二条 理事会:构成
Article 22 Board of Governors: Composition
1. Each member shall be represented on the Board of Governors and shall appoint one Governor and one Alternate Governor. Each Governor and Alternate Governor shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing member. No Alternate Governor may vote except in the absence of his principal.
2. At each of its annual meetings, the Board shall elect one of the Governors as Chairman who shall hold office until the election of the next Chairman.
3. Governors and Alternate Governors shall serve as such without remuneration from the Bank, but the Bank may pay them reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings.
第二十三条 理事会:权力
Article 23 Board of Governors: Powers
1. All the powers of the Bank shall be vested in the Board of Governors.
2. The Board of Governors may delegate to the Board of Directors any or all its powers, except the power to:
(i) admit new members and determine the conditions of their admission;
(ii) increase or decrease the authorized capital stock of the Bank;
(iii) suspend a member;
(iv) decide appeals from interpretations or applications of this Agreement given by the Board of Directors;
(v) elect the Directors of the Bank and determine the expenses to be paid for Directors and Alternate Directors and remuneration, if any, pursuant to paragraph 6 of Article 25;
(vi) elect the President, suspend or remove him from office, and determine his remuneration and other conditions of service;
(vii) approve, after reviewing the auditors’ report, the general balance sheet and the statement of profit and loss of the Bank;
(viii) determine the reserves and the allocation and distribution of the net profits of the Bank;
(ix) amend this Agreement;
(x) decide to terminate the operations of the Bank and to distribute its assets; and
(xi) exercise such other powers as are expressly assigned to the Board of Governors in this Agreement.
3. The Board of Governors shall retain full power to exercise authority over any matter delegated to the Board of Directors under paragraph 2 of this Article.
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