Not only are the actions and words of a good man peaceful and serene, even when asleep his facial expression is full of good will. As for the bad man, not only are his actions evil and violent, even his speech and voice betray murderous intent.
(保罗·怀特 译)
A good man looks serene not only in his speech and deportment, even in his dreams there can be seen a state of harmony imbued with composure and ease. An evil man looks ferocious not only in his actions, even amidst his voice and smiling countenance there can be discerned a murderous design.
(周文标 译)
凡是培养道德磨炼心性的人,必须具有木石一样坚定不移的意志,如果对世间的名利奢华稍有羡慕 , 便会落入被物欲困扰的境地;凡是治理国家拯救世间的人,必须有一种如行云流水般淡泊的胸怀,如果有了贪图荣华富贵的杂念,就会陷入危险的深渊。
Self-cultivation requires a mind impervious to outside allurements, as if it were made of wood or stone. Tempted by profit and fame, one will fall a victim to greed. One who wishes to save his people and benefit his country must have the temperament of a mendicant monk. One who seeks fame and wealth will be surrounded by hidden dangers.
(保罗·怀特 译)
One determined to cultivate his moral character and temper his virtue should do so by keeping a rock-firm will. Once laid in admiration for fame and gain, he would be snared by material desires. One committing himself to serving his people and benefiting his country should do so by preserving a natural, unrestrained temperament. Once becoming greedy for rank and glory, he would fall into a crisis.
(周文标 译)