11 博学之、审问之、慎思之、明辨之、笃行之。——《礼记·中庸》
Learn extensively, inquire carefully, think deeply, differentiate clearly, and practice faithfully.
(选自丁往道 Glimpse of Chinese Culture)
12 丈夫有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心处。——李开先:《宝剑记》
A man does not easily shed tears until his heart is broken.
(选自 Selected Works of Mao Tsetung, vol. 5)
13 立身之道,与文章异:立身先需谨重,文章且需放荡。——萧纲:《梁简文帝集·诫当阳公大心书》
The way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. While the latter needs free thinking, the former requires prudence.
(陈启达 译)
14 立身之道,与文章异:立身先需谨重,文章且需放荡。——萧纲:《梁简文帝集·诫当阳公大心书》
The way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. While the latter needs free thinking, the former requires prudence.
(陈启达 译)
15 君子必贵其言。贵其言则尊其身,尊其身则重其道。——徐干:《中论·贵言》
The gentleman must value his words. If he values his words, then he brings honor to his person; if he brings honor to his person, then his way will be prized.
(John Makeham 译)
16 世上伤心无限事,最难死别与生离。——文康:《儿女英雄传》
The world is full of heartrending occasions. Parting from dear ones or the beloved dead is the most difficult thing of all.
(费致德 译)
17 人惟求旧,器非求旧,惟新。——《尚书·盘庚上》
In appointing officials, one seeks men from old families; in daily living, one prefers utensils that are new.
(杜瑞清 译)
18 橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,叶徒相似,其实味不同。——《晏子春秋·内篇杂下》
Oranges grown south of the Huai River are true oranges; once transplanted to the north of the river, they become trifoliate oranges. Although they resemble in the shape of leaves, yet they differ widely in taste.
(谢百魁 译)
19 满招损,谦受益。——《尚书·大禹谟》
Complacency spells, while modesty brings benefits.
20 天作孽,犹可违;自作孽,不可活。——《尚书·太甲》
When trouble befalls you from Heaven, there is still hope of avoidance; but when you ask for it, there is no hope of escape.
(赵甄陶等 译 Mencius)