【英文译文】By casting out thoughts of wealth and rank from his heart, a man rids himself of the taint of the world. By removing the strictures of worldly virtue and morality from his heart, a man can enter the sublime realm of perfect beauty.
(保罗·怀特 译)
It is only by discarding the desire to seek riches and honor that one will be able to transcend the mundane world. It is only by finding freedom from the sermon of justice and virtue that one will be able to enter sainthood.
(周文标 译)
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(富多施舍 智不炫耀)
【译文】一个富贵的家庭待人接物应该宽容仁厚,可是很多人反而刻薄担心别人超过自己,这种人虽然暂为富贵之家,可是他的行径已走向贫贱之路,这样 又如何能行得通呢?一个聪明的人,本来应该谦虚有礼不露锋芒,可是很多人反而夸自己的本领高强,这种人表面看来好像很聪明,其实他的言行跟无 知的人并没什么不同,他的事业到头来又怎能不受挫、不失败呢?
【注解】 忌刻:忌是猜忌或嫉妒,刻是刻薄寡恩。敛藏:敛含有收、聚、敛束等意,敛藏就是深藏不露。懵:本意是指心 神恍惚,对事物缺乏正确判断,不明事理。
【英文译文】A person of riches and rank should be magnanimous, and never be envious or stingy. Otherwise he would be acting like a mean person, and how then could he really enjoy his riches? By the same token, a person of learning should keep his talents concealed. If he makes a dazzling show of them, then he will be acting like a fool. How could he not come to grief?
(保罗·怀特 译)
A family of wealth and rank should be magnanimous, and should not be harsh and stingy; otherwise it will be no different from the poor and the lowly. How could it enjoy its wealth and rank? An intelligent man should have his wisdom and talents obscured, and should not parade them; otherwise he will make the same mistake as the ignorant do. How could he not be defeated?
(周文标 译)
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(居安思危 处乱思治)
【英文译文】You can only think of the danger of ascending to a high place after you have stood in a low place. It is only when you have experienced darkness that you realize how brightness can dazzle the eyes. After cultivating tranquility, you then know how those who are fond of movement toil. Only a person who has fostered the art of taciturnity knows how annoying a babbler can be.
(保罗·怀特 译)
Only when a person comes to a low place can he realize the danger of ascending a height. Only when a person is placed in obscurity can he realize that the brightness ought not to be too dazzling. Only when a person knows how to keep tranquility can he realize the hardship to toil and moil. Only when a person knows how to dwell in silence can he realize that talking too much or out of place is the root of vexation.
(周文标 译)