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笔译:《菜根谭》英译(和气喜神 天人一理 闻逆耳言 怀拂心事 抱朴守拙 涉世之道)
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笔译:《菜根谭》英译(和气喜神 天人一理)
【英文译文】When the wind rages and the rain beats down, even the birds seem woebegone. But when the rain ceases to pelt and the wind subsides, the very grass and trees bloom luxuriantly in the fresh sunshine. So, if the world cannot do without a period of sanctified peace during a day’s time, then men can definitely not tolerate a single day with their hearts totally bereft of joy.
(保罗·怀特 译)
When the wind rages and the rain pours down, even the birds and beasts are caught in tragedy. But when the sun comes out shining and the wind turns mild, the very grasses and trees are all immersed in delightfulness. Thus it can be seen that in Nature—not a single day could pass peacefully unless celestial and terrestrial forces go in harmony; and in the world of men—not a single day could be spent well if people are deprived of happy mood.
(周文标 译)
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(闻逆耳言 怀拂心事)
【英文译文】The frequent hearing of what we do not want to hear, and the frequent pondering of what troubles the mind act like a whetstone upon which we refine our nature and conduct. If everything we hear is pleasant to the ear, and everything we contemplate is pleasant to the mind, that is no different from steeping our lives in poisoned wine.
(保罗·怀特 译)
Constantly hearing words unpleasant to the ear and constantly meditating on things unpleasant to the mind are worth a whetstone upon which we cultivate our moral characters and refine our temperaments. If we always contemplate ever word we hear being pleasant to the ear and everything we come into contact with pleasant to the mind, it would be no more than soaking ourselves in poisoned wine.
(周文标 译)
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(抱朴守拙 涉世之道)
【译文】一个刚踏入社会的人阅历很浅,所以沾染各种社会不良习惯的机会也较少;一个饱经世事的人,经历的事情多了,城府也随着加深。所以君子与其 处事圆滑,不如保持朴实的个性:与其事事小心谨慎委曲求全,倒不如豁达 一些才不会丧失纯真的本性。
【英文译文】A man with only slight experience of the world will likewise be only slightly stained with its impurities. A man well-versed in the ways of the world will likewise be replete with its tricks and treacheries. Therefore, it is better for the upright man to preserve the plainness of his inborn nature than to take pains to acquire worldly wisdom. It is also better for him to remain uninhibited and straightforward than to be equivocal and compromising.
(Paul White 译)
Those who mind the world lightly are also lightly stained by it; those who enter deeply into worldly affairs are mired in its calculating ways. Thus noble persons would rather be naïve than clever, relaxed rather than bent upon trifles.
(Robert Aitken & Daniel W. Y. Kwok 译)
A person who is less experienced in the world will equally be less stained with its undesirable trends. A person who has seen more of the world will equally be more trickery and crafty. It is therefore worthwhile for a man of moral integrity to remain honest and straightforward rather than become scheming and calculating, and remain large-mined and unrestrained rather than become overcautious and fainthearted.
(周文标 译)
One who has known little of the world will be little infected with its bad ways; one who has gained much experience of life will gain much worldly wisdom. Thus rather than experienced and worldly-wise, the junzi gentleman would be simple and slow-witted; rather than conciliatory and overcautious, he would be unrestrained and bold.
(蒋坚松 译) 
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(义侠交友 纯心作人
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(和气喜神 天人一理
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(事悟痴除 性定动正
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