笔译:《菜根谭》英译(心地光明 才华韫藏)
君子:泛指有才华和道德的人。 《论语•劝学》:“故君子名之必可言也,言之必可行也。”
The heart of a real gentleman is as clear as the blue sky and the broad daylight, so that others may never misunderstand it. But he seldom reveals his talents, which are like a jade hidden in a jadestone.
(保罗•怀特 译)
The heart of a worthy man should be as clear as the blue sky and the bright sunshine, so that everybody can lightly feel it. But on the contrary, his talents should be carefully concealed like jade and pearls, so that nobody can easily find them out.
(周文标 译)
笔译《菜根谭》英译(栖守道德 毋阿权贵)
Those who preserve their moral integrity suffer only fleeting loneliness. But eternal wretchedness awaits those who toady to the powerful. Wise men fix their gaze on spiritual cultivation, which transcends material things. They wish to leave a good name after them, and choose fleeting loneliness over eternal wretchedness.
(Paul White 译)
Those dwelling in the house of virtue may be lonely at times, but those who prosper by fawning upon the powerful are forlornly alone for ten thousand ages. The master looks to matters that are beyond matters, and muses on the body that is beyond the body. It is better to be lonely at times than to face ten thousand ages of forlornness.
(Robert Aitken & Daniel W. Y. Kwok 译)
Those who stick to their moral integrity might be lonesome for a time. Whereas, those who cling to the powerful and influential will surely become desolate for good and all. To a well-cultivated person, the worthiest are the gains beyond material and the name after him. It is because of this that he had rather endure momentary loneliness than receive endless desolation.
(周文标 译)
Those who insist on integrity may be solitary temporarily. Those who hang on to corruptive power can be lonely forever. A sage looks beyond earthly possessions and lifetime. Temporary solitude is preferred over eternal loneliness.
(李兆良 译)
Those who remain scrupulously virtuous may be lonely and obscure for a time; those who attach themselves to bigwigs will be miserable and dreary forever. The wise and sensible person, seeing through the material and thinking of his reputation after death, will prefer temporary loneliness and obscurity to eternal misery and dreariness.
(蒋坚松 译)
笔译:《菜根谭》英译(闲时吃紧 忙里悠闲)
【译文】我们每天看到天地好像无声无息不动,其实大自然的活动时刻未停。早晨旭日东升,夜晚明月西沉,日月昼夜旋转,而日月的光明却永恒不变。所 以君子应效法大自然的变化,闲暇时要有紧迫感作一番打算,忙碌时要做到 忙里偷闲,享受一点生活中悠闲的乐趣。
【英文译文】Although the Universe seems to be at rest, its components are constantly in motion. The sun and the moon whirl night and day, and cast ceaseless and eternal beams. Likewise, a man of noble character must keep himself alert while unoccupied, and enjoy repose while exerting himself.
(保罗•怀特 译)
The heaven and the earth seem to be quiet and still, but their vital energy within never stops breathing and moving. The sun and the moon run in cycles day and night, emitting eternal immutable beams. Similarly, the accomplished man should keep the sense of imminence while at leisure and preserve the temperament of leisure and carefreeness when occupied.
(周文标 译)