L: Leverage
关于去杠杆:China will make reducing corporate leverage a major work priority in 2017.
The government will place tighter constraints on companies' leveraging, especially state-owned enterprises, to gradually bring down corporate debt to an acceptable level, the report pledged.
M: Maritime, air defense
领土主权和海洋权益:China will strengthen its maritime and air defense as well as border control amid efforts to safeguard its sovereignty and security.
N: National parks system
国家公园体制:"We will introduce an overall plan for establishing a national parks system. All these efforts should provide effective institutional safeguards for building a sound ecological environment."
O: Overcapacity
关于去产能:China will push its drive to cut overcapacity in bloated sectors, with targets to slash steel production capacity by around 50 million tonnes and coal by at least 150 million tonnes this year.
P: PM2.5
关于环保:China pledged to markedly bring down PM2.5 density in key areas in 2017. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions will be cut by 3 percent this year, as part of the efforts to make the skies blue again.
附赠一个:prudent, neutral monetary policy
China will pursue a prudent and neutral monetary policy in 2017.
Q: Quality
关于中国“质”造:"We will see great numbers of Chinese workers exemplify workmanship and more Chinese brands enjoy international recognition. We will usher in an era of quality for economic development in China."
R: River chief system
河长制:"The river chief systemwas introduced for all lakes and rivers across the country, and the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts were improved. Reform has given new impetus to economic and social development. "
附赠一个:Railway construction
China plans to invest 800 billion yuan (about 116.11 billion U.S. dollars) in railway construction and 1.8 trillion yuan in highway and waterway projects this year.
S: Social stability
关于稳定:China will intensify efforts to stabilize growth, ensure employment and prevent risks in 2017 to safeguard economic and social stability.
"Stability is of overriding importance...we must not allow the red line to be crossed concerning financial security, people's wellbeing, or environmental protection."
T: Targeted poverty alleviation
精准扶贫:China aims to reduce the number of rural residents living in poverty by over 10 million, including 3.4 million to be relocated from inhospitable areas.
U: Urban real estate inventory
城市房地产去库存:China will take targeted policies to cut excessive real estate inventoryinthe third- and fourth-tier cities.
V: 暂时空缺
W: Workmanship
工匠精神:"We will promote workmanship and foster a culture of workmanship where workers have a strong work ethic and tirelessly seek improvement. "
X: Xi Jinping
Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, we the Chinese people have risen to the challenge and worked hard to press ahead...
Y: Yuan
关于人民币:China will continue market-oriented reformin the RMB exchange rate mechanism and maintain the currency's stable position in the global monetary system in 2017.
Z: Zombie enterprises
僵尸企业:The report pledged to make more use of market- and law-based methods to effectively deal with "zombie enterprises."