Companion to Changes • Appendix Two
Confucius said: “Aren’t Gen and Kueen two doors to Change?” Gen is Shine, and Kueen Shade. The virtuous mating of Shine and Shade makes things properly hard or soft to reveal the writings of Heaven and earth and to reach the virtue of divinity. Though names are various, there are no transgressions. Doesn’t an examination of their kinds show symbols in declining order? Change illuminates the past, predicts the future and illustrates what is tiny and hidden. Open it, and we see proper names that distinguish all things, make sound judgments and correct predictions, so perfect! The names though little refer to large kinds and express great purports elegantly; the words, though insinuative, hit the target; the things, though expressed, are obscure. It serves the peop le in forms of auxiliaries and enlightens the retribution of losses and gains.