yuē shuí huǒ
曰 水 火,
mù jīn tǔ
木 金 土,
cǐ wǔ xíng
此 五 行,
běn hū shù
本 乎 数。
Water, fire, behold,
Earth, wood, gold.
These five materials
Accord to numerals.
The so-called five elements are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. These represent various abstract ideas humans have of the cosmos, The five elements we may understand as five representations. They form a system of checks and balances depending on the combination and function of the numerals, that is, one, two, three, four, and five.
shí gān zhě
十 干 者,
jiǎ zhì guǐ
甲 至 癸。
shí èr zhī
十 二 支,
zǐ zhì hài
子 至 亥。
The Ten Trunks
Are great chunks.
The Twelve Wings
Are good things.
“十干”指“天干”的十个要素,即甲、 乙、 丙、 丁、 戊、 己、 庚、 辛、壬、癸;“十二支”指“地支”的十二个要素,即子、 丑、 寅、 卯、 辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。“天干”与“地支”两两配对,组成循环往复的“六十干支”。
The Ten Trunks are Crust (jia), Creep (yi), Flame (bing), Strong (ding), Rank (wu), Rise (ji), Wait (geng), New (xin), Bear (ren), Rear (gui); The Twelve Wings are Babe (zi), Sprout (chou), Spread (yin), Grow (mao), Mature (chen), Prime (si), Ripe (wu), Taste (wei), Grown (shen), Old (you), Sear (xu), End (hai). The combination of two elements respectively from the trunk and wing systems makes a recursive sexagenary cycle, also known as Trunks-and-Wings, that is, a cyclic numeral system of 60 combinations of the Ten Trunks and the Twelve Wings.
yuē huáng dào
曰 黄 道,
yuē suǒ chán
曰 所 躔。
yuē chì dào
曰 赤 道,
dāng zhōng quán
当 中 权。
The Ecliptic line,
The Zodiacal Sign,
And the Equator
Circling the center.
The earth revolves around the sun, and the sun revolves around the Milky Way. The track of the revolution of the earth is called ecliptic, and the imaginary circle vertical to the earth’s axis is called equator.
chì dào xià
赤 道 下,
wēn nuǎn jí
温 暖 极。
wǒ zhōng huá
我 中 华,
zài dōng běi
在 东 北。
Nowhere is hotter
Than the equator.
China, the greatest
Lies in Northeast.
Along the equator, it is the hottest, and this is the tropical zone.Temperature drops gradually south and north of the equator. China is northeast on the earth.
hán yù jūn
寒 燠 均,
shuāng lù gǎi
霜 露 改。
yòu gāo yuán
右 高 原,
zuǒ dà hǎi
左 大 海。
Temperature fitting you;
There’s frosty dew.
Right, plateaus stand;
Left, seas expand.
China has a mild temperature, with frost and dew. On the right there are plateaus, and on the left there are great seas.