S1 Unit 1
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Unit 1 The summer holidays
  1. 掌握下列词与词组
   1. introducevt.介绍, 11. biologyn.生物
   2. physics n.物理 12. geography n.地理
   3. chemistry n.化学 13. practice n. 练习;实践
   4. well n. 井 14. go on doing绦瞿呈
   5. vacationn. 假期;休假 15. go away走开;离开
   6. pump vt. 用泵抽水 16. as a result 结果
   7. channeln. 水渠 17. in one's opinion 依照某人的看法
   8. expressionn. 表达;词句 18. general idea大意
   9. employ vt. 雇佣 19. at the beginning of…在----- 开始
   10. dark n. 黄昏; 黑暗 20. prefer…to… 宁愿-------而不愿------

  2. 掌握表示“问候;介绍;告别”的日常交际用语
   1. Hello / Hi. 喂,你好。
   2. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
   3. I'll introduce you ( to sb.). 让我把你介绍给某人。
   4. I must go / be off / leaving now. 我必须走了。
   5. Give my regards / best wishes / love / to sb. please.请向某人问好。
   6. Bye. See you soon.再见。

3. 复习学过的各种时态的特殊疑问

Unit1 The summer holidays
Time zones

  A time zone on the terrestrial globe is approximately 15 longitude wide and extends from pole to pole and within which a uniform clock time is used. Time zones are the functional basis of standard time.

- In China -

* the Spring Festival 春节
  --- Lunar New Year
* Festival of Lanterns 元宵节
  --- January 15th in lunar calendar
* Women's Day 妇女节
  --- March 8th
* Laborer's Day 劳动节
  --- May 1st
* Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节
  --- August 15th in lunar calendar
* Teacher's Day 教师节
  --- September 10th
* Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
  --- May 5th in lunar calendar
* National Day 国庆节
  --- October 1st
* Nurse Day 护士节
  --- May 12th
* The Young's Day 青年节
  --- May 4th
* Children's Day 儿童节
  --- Jun 1st
* Army's Day 建军节
  --- August 1st
* Party's Day 建党节
  --- July 1st

 -In U.S.A. -

* Labor Day 劳动节
  --- the 1st Monday in September
  --- a day that celebrates all the many kinds of working people and their various
* Columbus Day 哥伦布纪念日
  --- October 12th ( or 2nd Monday in October)
  --- the day named for the famed explorer, Christopher Columbus, Admiral of the Ocean Sea
* Halloween 万圣节
  --- October 31st
  --- the day coming from ancient pagan religious practices, many of which have lost their
    original meaning
* Thanksgiving Day 感恩节
  --- the 4th Thursday in November
  --- a holiday specifically set aside for the purpose of thanking God for his provisions and
* Christmas 圣诞节
  --- December 25th
  --- the holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
* New Year's Day 元旦
  --- January 1st
  --- a universal holiday celebrating the year's first day
* Martin Luther King Day 马丁·路德·金纪念日
  --- January 15th
  --- the most recent addition of federally paid national day, the birthday of slain civil rights
    leader—Martin Luther King
* Valentine's Day 情人节
  --- February 14th
  --- a one-day celebration of romance and love
* St. Patrick's Day
  --- March 17th
  --- a day of remembrance and honor for the second bishop (after Palladius) of Ireland,
    Saint Patrick
* Easter 复活节
  --- the 1st Sunday after full moon after March 21st
  --- the annual Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ
* Independence Day 独立纪念日
  --- July 4th
  --- a day celebrating July 4th, 1776 that the thirteen struggling American Colonies
    collectively decided to declare their independence from the most powerful country
    on earth
* Mother's Day 母亲节
  --- the 2nd Sunday in May
* Father's Day 父亲节
  --- the 3rd Sunday in June
* April Fool's Day 愚人节
  --- April 1st

Unit 1 The summer holidays
  Thanksgiving is the day on which Americans thank God for the many good things he has given them. It is a feast day observed on the fourth Thursday in November, about the time most crops are harvested in North America. American families get together on this day to give thanks to God, to eat, and to remember the first Thanksgiving, which took place long ago.
  The pilgrims were a religious group who moved from England to America in the early seventeenth century. Their first year in America was very difficult. Many of the pilgrims died because they did not have enough food and the winter was very cold, and they were unable to grow more than enough food. To thank God for their good year, they had a feast for all of the pilgrims. They also invited some of the Indians who had helped them learn to hunt and grow food. That was the first Thanksgiving.
  Today, Thanksgiving is a family holiday. Family members sometimes travel thousands of miles to be together for Thanksgiving. Traditionally, the women of the family cook a dinner of turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie. Everyone is expected to eat as much as possible, and after dinner they sit in the living room holding their stomachs and complaining that they ate too much!

--- A traditional holiday
  Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, the Celts --- people in France and the British Isles held a festival at the beginning of every winter for the Lord of the Dead. These people believed that this god ruled the world in winter, when he called together the ghosts of dead people. On October 31, these spirits of the dead came back in the forms of animals, with very bad ghosts as black cats. At their festival on this day, people used to make big fires to frighten the ghosts and drive them away. This celebration was the beginning of the holiday of Halloween.
  The Romans, who ruled the British Isles after the birth of Christ, also held a celebration at the beginning of winter. Because winter was harvest time, the Romans brought apples and nuts for the goddess of gardens. Later, the Christians added their customs to those of the Celts and the Romans. They had a religious holiday on November 1st for the saints ( the unusually good people in Christianity), which they called All Hallows' or All Saints' Day. The evening before this day was All Hallows' Even (“holy evening”); later the name became Halloween.
  Long ago in Britain, people used to go to wise old women called “witches” to learn about the future. They believed that these witches had the power to tell the future and to use magic words to protect people or change them. There were many beliefs about witches, who are now a symbol of Halloween. For example, people believed witches flew on broomsticks to big, secret meetings, where they ate, sang, and danced. The Christians tried to stop people from believing in witches, but many uneducated people, especially in the countryside, held on to their beliefs.
  When people came to North America from British Isles, they brought their Halloween customs with them. Today, Halloween is a night when children dress up like ghosts, witches, devils and so on. They go from house to house in their costumes, ring doorbells and shout, “Trick or treat!” People give them candy, apples, gum, and nuts, and the children have a good time. But most children have no idea that their holiday has such a long history.
  The most common symbol of Halloween is the Jack-o'-lantern. It was believed that jack-o'-lanterns set on porches and windowsills cast a spell of protection over the household while spirits of the dead wander the Earth.

  Time Zones, any of 24 geographic areas into which the earth is divided for the purpose of maintaining a standard time system. Clocks within a given time zones are set to the same time, which is generally one hour later than the zone immediately to the west. Each time zones is defined by its distance east or west of Greenwich, England.
  Until the late 1800s most towns and cities set clocks based upon the rising and setting of the sun. Because of the earth's rotation, dawn and dusk occur at different times at different places, but time differences between distant locations were barely noticeable because of long travel times and the lack of long-distance communications.

  Since the earth rotates 15 degrees of longitude per hour, the earth's 360 degrees were divided into 24 zones, each measuring about 15 degrees in width. The 0° longitude line, or meridian, was defined as a line running through the old Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich, England. Time in each of the 12 zones east of Greenwich increases one hour for each zone. Time in each of the 12 zones to the west of Greenwich decreases by one hour. The International Date Line lies at the 180° meridian on the opposite side of the earth from Greenwich and divides the eastern and western time zones. The time difference between each side of the International Date Line is 24 hours. Thus, a traveler heading west across the date line loses one day while a traveler headed east gains a day.

Unit 1 The summer holidays

1. 词法

  (1) introduce
    [说明]introduce是及物动词,作“介绍(相识)”解,常用于introduce sb.to sb. 这一结构中。
    在上下文很清楚的情况下,其中的“to sb.”常可省去。
    例如: I’d like to introduce you to my teacher,miss Green.
    Please allow me to introduce Mr. Brown (to you).
  (2) go on
    [说明]go on 后跟doing sth.表示“继续做……某事;连续不断地做某事”。
    例如: He went on working till midnight.
    You oughtn’t to go on living this way.
  (3) turn
    [说明] turn可作名词用,表示“轮班,轮流”。 常用形式有It’s one’s turn to do
    例如: It's your turn to clean the blackboard.
    His turn came last.
  (4) prefer
    [说明]prefer是及物动词,作 “更喜欢,宁愿”解。
    常用“prefer... to...” 这一结构来表示“宁愿……而不愿……”的意思。 其中to是介词,
    所以就可以说prefer n. to n. 或prefer doing sth. to doing sth.
    例如: Which do you prefer--- rice or noodles?
    你愿意吃什么--- 米饭还是面条?
    I'd prefer some short stories.
    He prefers fish to meat.
    I'd prefer playing outdoors to watching TV.
  (5) result
    [说明] result 是名词,作“结果”解。
    as a result 是个固定短语,表示“由于……的结果”;“因此”。
    例如: He was late as a result of the traffic jam.
    He had a bad cold. As a result, he didn't come to school this morning. 

   1.  He _____ fruit ______ vegetables.
     A. prefered, to B. prefers, with
     C. preferred, to D. prefers, and
   2.  It's getting dark. I must _____ now.
     A. leaving B. off C.go D. leave off
   3.  Tom got up late this morning. ______, he didn't catch the early bus.
     A. Because of B. As a result C. As a result of D. Of course
   4.  In my opinion, ______.
     A. he is wasting time   B. planes run faster than trains
     C. it is cold in winter    D. Washington is the capital of the States
   5. --- ______is this turn?
      --- It's _____.
     A. Whose, me B. Whose, my C. Whose, his D. Whose turn, hers
2. 语法句法

  (1) So was my friend Bob White. 我的朋友鲍勃·怀特也在那所学校读书。
    [说明] 此句中的so意为“也”。是避免重复的倒装句,
    其句型结构是“ So + be ( have 、do等)助动词或情态动词+主语。”
    例如:Li Ming had a good holiday, so did I.
    李明假期过得愉快, 我也过得愉快。
    I can swim. So can my brother.
  (2) 复习不同时态的特殊疑问句。
    例如:Who is that boy over there?
    Whose handwriting is the better, Bob's or Peter's?
    例如:What is your father?
    He is an engineer.
    What was he doing at this time last week?
    When did you call him yesterday?
    How many Chinese words has he learnt?
    How can you work out the problem?

   1.  _____ about Mr. White, our new teacher?
      A. Who you know   B. Who do you know
     C. What you know   D. What do you know
   2.  ----_____ your class?
      ----Mrs. Brown.
      A. Who will be introduced B. Who will be invited
      C. Who taught you biology D. Who is in charge of
   3.  I like sports very much and ______ my brother.
      A. so does B. so is C. so has D. so likes
   4.  Teacher: Mary, ask your partner where he went for his holiday.
      Mary: Bob, ______________________?
     A. where did you go for your holiday B. where did he go for his holiday
     C. where you went for your holiday D. where he went for his holiday
   5.  I finished reading three storybooks last week. Please tell me
     what you _____ at this time last week.
     A. did B. was doing C. were doing D. have done 

Unit 1 The summer holidays
1. 词法
  (1) go on
  [说明]本身可表示“发生;进行”的含意。其后不仅可跟-ing形式;还可跟to do形式。
go on doing sth.表示继续做原来的事情;go on to do sth. 强调干完或停下一件事再干另一件事。此外go on后还可跟介词with +n.的形式,表示“继续做原来没有做完的事情。”
例如:What is going on outside?
I suppose everything is going on all right.
She nodded, smiled, and went on reading.
After finishing his work, he went on to help us.
I'll go on with the story where I left off last time.
  (2) prefer
  [说明] prefer不仅可跟名词或-ing形式;还可以跟to do sth.
此外prefer还可用于prefer to do sth.
rather than do sth.这一结构,表示 “宁愿……而不愿……”的意思。
例如: He preferred to live in the country.
She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.
  (3) channel
  [说明] channel不仅可表示 “水渠”,还可表示“频道;波段”。
例如: What channel is that program on?
  1.  After we listened to the tape, we _______the text.
     A. went on with       B. went on reading
     C. went on to read      D. will go on to read
  2.  Bill and Harry meet _____ the first time _____ the beginning of term.
     A. at, for   B. for, at   C. on, in   D. from, at
  3.  ----Mike, this is my friend, Jim.
     ---- Hi, Jim. It's very ______ to meet you.
     A. pleased   B. happy   C. glad   D. nice
  4.  --- What do you prefer to do when you are free?
     --- __________.
     A. I prefer to listen to music to watch TV.
     B. I prefer listening to music to watch TV
     C. I prefer to play basketball rather than to watch TV
     D. I prefer listening to music to playing basketball
  5.  --- How about watching TV now?
     --- Yes, _________.
     A. I do  B. I'd love to C. I would love  D. I'd love to watch
2. 语法句法
(1) “So +主语+ be / have / do …等(助动词/或情态动词) ”
  [说明] 在这个句子结构中so 表示上文所说的情况“的确如此”,上下文讲的是同一人,不涉及其他人。
例如:---Your father is very busy recently.
   ---So he is.
   They went to Hainan for their holidays, and so they did.
  (2) “Neither / Nor + be / have / do…等(助动词/或情态动词)+主语”
  [说明] 这句结构中的neither / nor意为“也不”。也是避免重复的倒装句, 表示所叙述的事与前面所讲述的事相同。但用于否定句中。
例如:---He has never been to the States.
   ---Neither have I.
   ---My house isn't big.
   ---Nor is mine.
  1. If they don't support the plan, _______.
    A. so do I  B. so will I   C. neither do I   D. nor will I
  2. Mother asked me to get up early this morning, and ______.
    A. so she did   B. neither did she   C. so I did   D. so did I
  3. Kate, _____ your new dress, and I will take you to the party.
    A. put on   B. puts on   C. wear   D. wears
  4. ---How are you? Ben.
    ---I am very ____, thank you.
    A. fine   B. good   C. well   D. kind
  5. What about _____ the movie this evening?
    A. to see B. to go C. going D. going to
Unit 1 The summer holidays

(1) 网站名称:新浪网

(2) 网站名称:新浪网

(3) 网站名称:新浪网

(4) 网站名称:通关网

Notes of Senior English Book 1 Unit 1

Tom and I are going to have a holiday. 我和汤姆准备去度假。
I've already had my holidays this year. 我今年已经度过假了。
During a holiday in Sweden,I found this note on my car. 
Postcards always spoil my holidays. 明信片总是弄得我过不好假日。
My holidays passed quickly,but I did not send any cards to my friends. 
注:have a (或one's)holiday 度假,during a holiday 在一次假期中。这种用法的holiday 总用单数形式,但并不只是“一天”假。 复数形式的holidays 泛指“假日”,如summer holidays 暑假。但“Sunday is a holiday ”中的holiday 却是“一天”的假。
She has gone to Canada on vacation. 她到加拿大去度假。 (= holiday) 
The city was covered with holiday clothes.(喻义时只能用holiday,不能用vacation.)(vocation职业、天命)
leave 指“请假”,被批准后离开自己的工作的一段时间
He stays at home on sick leave. 他请了病假呆在家里。
He asked for a six months' leave. 他请了6个月的假。
She's been given sick/ compassionate/ maternity leave
而 vacation 在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)
The students are planning how to spend their summer vacation. 
Mr. Fuller is on vacation now. 费勒先生在度假。
So as to be away from work or duty:离开工作或职责:
They took a day off.他们休息一天take a day off休假一天
Spent away from work or duty: 休假的在离开职责中度过:
My off day is Saturday.我的休息日是星期六
an off day休假日off hours空闲的时间
three days off an off season淡季
for the first time/ the first time(名词可以作状语,如the moment...)
IT信息技术;[资讯科学]Information Technology的缩写。
Stop acting as though you were it.不要夜郎自大。
it[it]pron.[指心目中或上下文中的人或事物]这, 那, 它
Go and see who it is.去看看是谁。It's me.[口](=It is I.)是我。
[指无生命的东西, 也可指动物与性别不详的幼儿]它
They got a baby and it was a ten-pounder.
[作先行代词, 引导后面的短语或从句]这, 这一点
It is no use trying.试也无用。
It is certain that we shall succeed.我们一定会成功。
[作先行代词, 用在强调句型中]
It was here that I first met him.这就是我初次与他见面的地方。
It is I that am fortunate.幸运的是我。
[接在某些由名词变来的动词后, 无实义, 构成习惯性动词短语]
Go it while you are young.趁你年轻努力干吧。
You'll catch it!你可小心点儿!(警告用语)
You are in for it.这下你可得干到底了(或这下你可要倒霉了)。
term n.学期, 期限, 期间, 条款, 条件, 术语
a term of office 任期 to get a term of seven years in prison 被判7年徒刑
He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year. 
名词;术语technical terms 专门名词,术语 
If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you. 如果你同意我的条件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。
in the long term从长远的观点看in the short term从眼前的观点看 
on equal terms同等
The chairman dismissed the meeting.主席宣布散会。
well[wel]n.井vi.涌出adj.健康的, 良好的, 适当的
adv.好, 满意地, 充分地, 彻底地, 有理地, 适当地, 夸奖地int.唔, 咳,嘿; 唷,好啦,喂, 好吧,喔; 那么n.好, 美满; 令人满意的事物I wish you well.愿你称心如意。
channel n.海峡, 水道, 沟, 路线,信道,频道vt.引导, 开导, 形成河道
The English Channel is between France and England. 
with regard to关于 With kind regards谨此致候
Give the family my best regards.祝您全家幸福
Please give my regards to your mother.请向你妈妈问候。
expressionn.表达, 表情, 脸色, 声调, 腔调, 措辞
read with expression有感情地朗读
chemist n.化学家, 药剂师 chemistry n.化学
chemical adj.化学的 n.[常pl.] 化学制品, 化学药品
camp n.野营,营地,兵营
introduce:The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.
introduced me to weightlifting.带领我认识举重
introduce a humorous note in a speech先讲几句幽默话作为讲演的开场白foreign captial introduction引进外资 a letter of introduction介绍信
prefer vt.(preferred; preferring)宁可, 宁愿(选择); 更喜欢; (比较起来)喜欢...(而不喜欢...)(to) prefer doing to talking喜欢做而不喜欢说
enjoy/practise/finish/keep/mind/can't help doing
practice n.实行, 实践, 实际, 惯例, 习惯, 练习, 实习, 开业
theory理论 social practice社会实践
practice , exercise , drill 都含“实践”、“练习”的意思。
practice 指“为一目的或使技能达到熟巧而进行体力或智力方面的反复实践”, 如:He does his practice on the violin every day.他天天练小提琴。We must put our plans into practice. 我们必须将计划付诸实行。
exercise 指“体力或智力的反复运用以发挥力量或增进健康”, 如:grammatical exercises语法练习。floor exercises 自由体操 morning exercises早操
drill 指“反复不断地进行某种特殊练习, 以锻炼身心而养成正确的习惯”, 如:pattern drills句型操练。
result n结果;效果
As a result, there is often trouble in American families.
成败;输赢结果the football results 足球赛的结果
The result of the game was five-nothing.比赛结果是五比零。
result vi.由...而造成(from)结果; 致使; 导致(in)
Nothing has resulted from his efforts.他的努力终成泡影。
Acting before thinking always results in failure.做事不先考虑总会导致失败。
every是指数目不确定的许多人[物]中间的每一个, 它的“总合”意义很重;each则指一定数目中的每一个, “个别”意义较重。every只能用作形容词, 因此只有在与名词连用或构成复合词时, 才能用作主语或宾语;each可用作形容词, 也可用作代词, 直接作主语或宾语, 如:each of us, each of the students, each student; every one of us, every student.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his work. 
There are new houses on each side of the street.街道两边有新楼房。
Each student in our class has a dictionary.我们班每位同学都有一本词典。
set about doing开始做,着手处理 set off出发,启程 (= set out) 
The children set off for school.孩子们上学去了。
set up建立(事业);成立(组织) 
set off,set out 这两个短语动词都有“出发”和“动身”的意思,都可以解释为start to move或begin a journey。
然而set off的原义是使爆炸(cause to explode)
set out 的原义是着手做(出发, 开始)
注:set out 在用来表示“着手做”时,后面总是跟动词不定式。