S1 Unit 11
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Unit 11 Country music
1. 掌握下列词与词组
  1. theatre n.剧场  
  2. successful adj.成功的  
  3. broadcast vt.广播  
  4. value n.价值  
  5. success n.成功  
  6. society n.社会  
  7. anger n.愤怒  
  8. political adj.政治的  
  9. leader n.领导人  
  10. fun n.有趣的  
  11. appear n.出现  
  12. electrical adj.电的  
  13. equipment n.装备,设备  
  14. remain  vt.余下,留下  
  15. beauty n.美丽  
  16. neighbour n.邻居  
  17. restaurant n.饭店  
  18. make a record 录制唱片  
  19. on/over the radio 通过广播  
  20. pop music 流行音乐  
  21. think of 认为  
  22. make fun of 取笑某人  
  23. pop star 歌星  
  24. eat up 吃光  
  25. the coming weekend 未来一周  
  26. more and more 越来越……
  27. no longer 不再  
  28. once more 再一次  
  29. in the 1950's 在二十世纪五十年代  
  30. turn to 转向于  
  31. be angry with 生某人的气  
  32. think well of 对……印象好  
  33. bring in 带来利润  
  34. not just …but … 不仅……而且……  
  35. so far 到目前为止  
2. 掌握日常交际用语
  1. Haven't you heard of …? 你难道没有听说……吗?  
  2. 提建议的用语:You'd better do sth. 你最好做某事。  
  3. Why don't you do sth.? 你干吗不……呢?  
  4. Why not …? 为什么不……呢?  
  5. That's a good idea. 这主意不错。  
  6. I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。  
3. 学习过去完成时态
Unit 11 Country music
 1 staff 五线谱
 2 note 音符
 3 rest 休止符
 4 time, bar 拍子
 5 rhythm 节奏
 6 words 歌词
 7 score 总谱
 8 orchestra 管弦乐队
 9 solo album 个人专辑
 10 campus song 校园歌曲
 11 pop music 流行音乐
 12 classical music 古典音乐
 13 country music 乡村音乐
 14 light music 轻音乐
 15 jazz 爵士音乐
 16 rock'n'roll 摇滚乐
 17 symphony 交响乐
 18 symphony orchestra 交响乐队
 19 folk music 民乐
 20 dance music 舞曲
 21 electronic music 电子音乐
 22 Christmas carol 圣诞歌
 23 opera 歌剧
 24 national anthem 国歌
 25 pop singer 歌手
 26 composer 作曲家
 27 conductor 指挥
 28 pianist 钢琴家
 29 piano 钢琴
 30 violinist 小提琴手
 31 violin 小提琴
 32 cello 大提琴
 33 guitar 吉他
 34 bamboo flute 笛子
 35 sound box 音箱
 36 mouth organ 口琴
 37 accordion 手风琴
 38 saxophone 萨克管
 39 drum 鼓
 40 heavy-metal band 重金属乐队
 41 keyboard 键盘
 42 solo 独唱
 43 duet, duo 二重唱;二重奏
 44 trio 三重唱;三重奏
 45 quartet 四重唱
 46 choir, choral society 合唱,合奏
Unit 11 Country music

1. 词法
   (1) appear
    [说明] appear 是不及物动词,做“出现”解。作系动词相当于seem。
    例如:The police caught him as soon as he appeared.
       I don't appear to have written down his telephone number.
       He appears a bit down today.
  (2) remain
    [说明] remain是不及物动词,作“余下,保持,留下”解,作系动词相当于keep。
    例如:Nobody was allowed to remain.
       We asked him several times, but he remained silent.
  (3) successful
    in doing的句型中。
    例如:beauty (n.) +ful ------ beautiful 美丽的
       care (n.) + ful  ------- careful 小心的
       hope (n.)+ ful  ------- hopeful 有希望的
       use (n.) + ful   -------- useful 有用的
       wonder (n.) + ful------- wonderful 奇妙的
       I succeeded in passing the test and getting the job. 
       I was successful in passing the test and getting the job.
  (4) equipment
    [说明]equipment是不可数名词,作“装备”,“设备”解。不能说equipments或an equipment。
    例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment.
       You will be satisfied with the kitchen equipment here.
       I need three pieces of equipment.
  (5) no longer
    [说明]no longer意思是“不再……”。
    例如:I no longer live in that district.
       She is no longer a pop singer.
  (6) think well of
    [说明]think well of的意思是“对……印象好”。
    例如:The exports thought well of your plan.
       The play is well thought of.

2. 语法句法
   (1) American country music has become more and more popular.
     例如:It's getting colder and colder.
        Those trees are growing taller and taller.
        People are getting more and more excited.
        She's getting more and more worried.
   (2) … many young students were angry with society.
     [说明]be angry with意思是“生……的气”。如果是因为某事而生某人的气用“be angry
        with sb. about sth.”这一句型。
     例如:Who are you angry with?
        Don't be angry with him about such trifles.
   (3) Singers do not just come from the States but from all over the world.
     [说明]not just… but…作“不仅……而且……”解。相当于“not only… but (also)… ”。
     例如:He is not just afraid of snake but mice.
        You should not just look but practice.
   (4) So far I haven't had any success.
    [说明]so far意思是“到目前为止”。常用于完成时的句子中。
    例如:-Do you have any questions?
       -Not so far.
       15,000 books have been sold so far.
  (5) When I got to the theatre I found that they had sold all the tickets.
    例如:When I arrived at the party, Paul had gone home.
       When we got home last light, we found that the room had been broken into.
       We were not hungry at that time. We had just had our lunch.
    1.The city is becoming _________.
      A. more and more beautiful   B. much and much beautiful
      C. beautiful and beautiful    D. much beautiful
    2. I was angry _____ him ______ not keeping his promise.
      A. about, with   B. with, of   C. of, about   D. with, for
    3. _______ he has done very well at school.
      A. So that   B. By far   C. So far   D. Such far
    4. I was very nervous sitting on the plane. I _______ before.
      A. had never flown   B. has broken
      C. didn't fly   D. wasn't flying
    5. When I entered the room, I found the window__________.
      A. had broken   B. has broken   C. had been broken   D. is broken 
Unit 11 Country music

1. 词法
   (1) appear
     [说明]appear可用于以it开头的句子中, it appears (to sb.) that …(对某人来说)似乎……
     例如:It appears to me that he hasn't make any changes.
        It appears that the plane isn't going to land.
   (2) no longer
     [说明]表示“不再……”,也可以用not… any longer代替no longer。
     例如:I don't live there any longer.
        I won't trust him any longer.
   (3) think well of
     [说明]表示“对……评价高”时,还可以说think highly of…。
     例如:Your essay is highly thought of.
    1. ____ appears to me that you have misunderstood me.
      A. It   B. That   C. What   D. This
    2. Here you are. There are ____ mistakes in your exercise.
      A. no more   B. no longer   C. not more   D. not longer
    3. ____ do you think of my suggestion?
     A. How   B. Who   C. What   D. Why
    4. If you have any problem, please turn ____ me.
      A. on   B. off   C. at   D. to
    5. -Where did you get the news?
      -I heard it ____ the radio.
     A. with  B. in   C. by   D. on
 2. 语法句法 
   (1) more and more
    [说明]除这一结构之外,比较级形容词more 还有以下一些惯用形式:
    the + 比较级, the +比较级(越来越……); once more(再一次); more than(超过,不仅);
    no more(不再有); no more than(仅仅); more or less(大约)
    例如:The more novels you read, the more you want to read.
       Please try it once more.
       More than 20 people died in the fire.
       There is no more bread.
       My house is no more than a shelter.
       Just a minute, I have more or less finished it.
   (2) had done
    [说明] 某些词的过去完成时态不强调动作在过去某一时刻之前完成,而是表示一个未能实现的行为。
    他们是;think, plan, hope, expect, wish
    例如:We had expected that the test would be difficult, but it wasn't.
       I had wished to become a doctor, but I studied law at college.
       I met old John last week. I had thought that he had died at least 10 years ago.
    1.Sorry, I didn't quite catch you. Please say it __________.
      A. no more   B. once more   C. any more   D. some more
    2. More than one student in this class ________to the museum.
      A. has been   B. have been   C. are going   D. want to
    3. Don't ask him about the management of the restaurant. He is ________ a waiter.
      A. not more than   B. more than   C. no more than   D. no more
    4. Why? You've come here by yourself. I ______ you would come with your family.
     A. think   B. thought   C. have thought   D. had thought
    5. “Bach Street Boy” is very popular among young people. Haven't you _______ it?
     A. heard of   B. heard   C. heard from   D. listened 
Unit 11 Country music
             Country Music
Country music is a type of American popular music associated with rural culture and the Southern region of the United States. It developed in the 1800's, combining elements of folk music from Great Britain, the blues of Southern rural blacks, popular songs of the late 1890's, and religious music. Country music, sometimes called country and western music, has been popular throughout the world since the 1940's.
  During the 1920's, most country singers and instrumentalists came from such states as Georgia, Kentucky, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. In the 1930's and 1940's, many artists from Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas came to prominence.These performers created a wide variety of country music styles that today include bluegrass, Cajun, cowboy music, honky-tonk, rockabilly, and western swing.
  The musical instruments vary with each type of country music, but some are common to nearly all country groups. Instruments from many areas of the world combined in the New World to form the core of country music's instrumental sound. These instruments include the fiddle from Great Britain, the banjo from West Africa, the guitar from Spain, and the mandolin from Italy. As country music came under the influence of other kinds of music, other instruments were added and altered the basic sound. The piano, Hawaiian steel guitar, double bass, horns, and reed instruments have all been used in country music. Instruments that were electronically amplified first appeared in country music in the 1930's.
  The story told in songs is an important part of country music. Many country songs today use direct language and realistic situations to describe the real concerns of adults. Most country songs are about love and romantic feelings. Many are happy songs, but some explain the feelings of loneliness, loss, and separation that result when love or romance ends, or when married couples are unfaithful. Some country songs are about work. Others express sacred themes, reflecting the importance of religion in Southern life. Some country songs are about events in the news, and some are humorous. Many old folk tunes are still sung in country music.
  Styles vary from one style of country music to another. For example, bluegrass and other “mountain music” styles feature a high-pitched, nasal singing tone. Other singers sound like pop music vocalists.
  Country music developed from the folk and religious music of the rural South. Beginning in the 1600's, immigrants from the British Isles brought their folk music to North America. This music included fiddling and singing. Solo fiddlers played dance music at social events, such as country dances, weddings, and wakes. Ballads and other folk tunes were often sung by one person, alone or accompanied by a fiddle. The religious music of the South included hymns and, beginning in the late 1800's, gospel songs and spirituals.
  Folk music in the South changed through contact with other cultures. Between the mid-1800's and about 1920 the banjo, guitar, mandolin, and Hawaiian steel guitar were borrowed from many folk music traditions. Various combinations of these instruments were used both with and without vocalists. By about 1920, the string band, consisting of a fiddle, banjo, and guitar, was the standard instrumental group. String bands played dance music and folk tunes in homes, at parties, and at country fairs.
  During the early 1920's, country music became available on records and on the radio. Record companies set up temporary recording studios in such Southern cities as Atlanta;Ga; Charlotte, N.C; Dallas; and Memphis. The music they recorded was often called hillbilly music, partly because of a popular band called the “Hill Billies.” Sometimes, country entertainers were brought to New York City to record.
  Early country radio shows were broadcast from cities as far north as Des Moines, Iowa, and Chicago, but the music was still concentrated in the South. There, it was broadcast from such cities as Atlanta; Dallas; Fort Worth; Tex; Shreveport; La; and Wheeling, W.Va. The most important radio program to feature country music-the “Grand Ole Opry”-was first broadcast from Nashville in 1925 as the “Barn Dance.” It is still broadcast today from a theater in Opryland, an entertainment park near the city.
  Country music continued to change in the 1930's. Many groups added drums, pianos, and electric instruments to their sound. The singing style became smoother, and the accompaniments began to contain chords that sounded more like those found in other popular music of the day. In the late 1920s and early 1930's, the famous country singer Jimmie Rodgers performed in a style that combined country yodeling with black blues.
  During the 1930's, radio stations broadcast country music to many regions of the United States. At the same time, Southerners moved to other parts of the country, taking their music with them. As a result, country music began to gain national popularity. During World War II (1930-1945), country music gained an international audience when members of the United States armed forces brought records to other countries. The most popular performers of the 1930's and 1940's included Roy Acuff, Gene Autry, the Carter family, Jimmie Davis, Red Fley, Tex Ritter, Jimmie Rodgers, Ernest Tubb, and Bob Wills.
  During the 1950's, mainstream pop singers recorded hits written by country composer and singer Hank Williams. These songs include “Cold, Cold Heart” and “Your Cheatin' Heart.” Kitty Wells was the most popular solo female country singer from the mid-1950's to the mid-1960's.
During the late 1950's and the 1960's, the country music industry produced many records that blended characteristics of country and pop music. Vocal and string background ensembles became common, and much of the music was electronically amplified. This new style of country music was called the Nashville Sound. Its leading performers included Eddy Arnold, Patsy Cline, and Jim Reeves.
  In the 1970's, many country singers became national celebrities, and several became film and television performers. Such singers as Crystal Gayle, Loretta Lynn, Ronnie Milsap, Dlly Parton, and Kenny Rogers had hit records in both the country and popular markets.
  Emmylou Harris, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and other singers have supported a return to a more basic, authentic country style. Many country entertainers who began careers in the 1980's drew inspiration from the roots of country music. Randy Travis, the Judds, Reba McEntire, and George Strait performed in styles associated with the 1950's and 1960's. Other stars, such as Alabama, Hank Williams, Jr., and Restless Heart, combined country music and rock. Lee Greenwood, Barbara Mandrell, and K.T.Oslin explored the boundary between country music and pop.
Unit 11 Country music
(1) 网站名称:Johndenver.net
   网站简介:有关美国著名乡村歌手John denver的音乐成就介绍,

(2) 网站名称:The Mozart project

(3) 网站名称:UVic English Language Centre



Unit 11 Country music
John Denver, b. Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr., in Roswell, N.Mex., Dec. 31, 1943, is a pop-folk singer and songwriter. His early work, while more sentimental and less musically complex than that of his contemporaries Bob Dylan and Paul Simon, reflected similar political concerns. His later hit songs, including “Rocky Mountain High” (1972),“Back Home Again” (1974), and“Thank God I'm a Country Boy” (1975), have tended in the direction of pop-country music. In 1977 he starred with George Burns in the film Oh God.