S1 Unit 4
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Unit 4 Travel
1. 掌握下列词与词组
 1. airport n. 机场; 航空场
 2. separate adj. 单独的;各自的
 3. hotel n. 旅馆;饭店
 4. weekend n. 周末
 5. guide n. 向导;导游者
 6. bank n. 岸;堤
 7. villager n. 村民
 8. sharp adj. 锋利的;尖的
 9. crop n. 庄稼
 10. bone n. 骨头
 11. soil n.土壤;土地
 12. price n. 价格;价钱
 13. mile n. 英里
 14. destroy vt. 破坏;毁灭
 15. but prep. 除了
 16. future n. 将来
 17. sight n. 情景;风景
 18. be about to 即将
 19. take a taxi 坐出租汽车;打的
 20. see…off 为某人送行
 21. have a good trip 一路顺风
 22. every two years 每两年

2. 学习表示“问候、祝愿和应答”的句子
 1) Give my regards to sb..
 2) Say “Hi / Hello” to sb. from me.
 3) Have a nice / good time.
 4) Good luck. Have a good trip.
 5) The same to you.
 6) How about you?

3. 了解现在进行时表示将来时的用法
Unit 4 Travel
1. Words And Phrases About Travel 旅游词汇
  (1) travel:常指到国外或某个遥远的地方去。指具体的旅行时常用复数,单数指“旅行”的抽象概念
  (2) journey:一般指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行,不含有回到原出发地的意思
  (3) trip: 指短距离的旅行,常回到原出发地
  (4) tour: 指“周游”、“巡回旅行”,常常是访问一系列地方后又回到原出发地
  (5) voyage:指不论路程长短的水上或空中的“游历”、“旅行”
  (6) hike:远足,徒步旅行(尤指在乡间进行者)

  tourism 旅游业
  tour agency /service 旅行社
  touring party 旅游团
  tourist / traveler 游客
  tour guide 导游
  travel companion 旅伴
  traveling expenses 旅费
  route 旅程
  schedule 日程表

2. How can we travel?
  (1) by road / land   by bike, bus, car, taxi, train, on foot, etc.
  (2) by sea / water  by ship, boat, etc.
  (3) by air        by plane

3. Things taken while traveling 旅行用品
traveling bag 旅行包
  sleeping bag 睡袋
  tent 帐篷
  sneaker 运动鞋
  raincoat 雨衣
  map 地图
  flashlight 手电
  compass 指南针
  sun glasses 太阳镜
  soap, toothpaste, tooth-brush, towel, etc. 洗漱用具
  medicine 药品
  food 食品

5. Amazon 亚马逊河
(1) Map of Amazon:
  (2) Brief introduction:
   Amazon is the longest river in South America. It is rich in aquatic products. A kind of
   dangerous fish named “piranha”(食人鱼) live in the river, which often attack people
   falling into the river in shoals.

6. words about rivers 河流方面的词汇
  river bank 河岸
  riverbed 河床
  river mouth 河口
  river course 河道
  river valley 河谷
  waterways 河渠
  the bend of a river 河套
  riverhead 河源
  river transport 河运
  river system 河系
  branch 支流

7. Types of Forests 森林方面的词汇
  tropical forests 热带雨林
  rain forests 雨林
  monsoon forests 季候林
  coniferous forests 针叶林
  pine forests 松林
  broad-leaved trees 阔叶林
  windbreak forests 防风林
  sand-breaks 防沙林
  evergreen trees 常绿林

Unit 4 Travel
Amazon River
The Amazon, about 6,450 km (4,000 mi) in length, is, after the Nile, the second longest river in the world. Flowing eastward across Brazil in the broad equatorial part of South America, it has the world's largest drainage basin, more than 7 million sq km (2.7 million sq mi) or nearly 5% of the world's total land area. It carries nearly 20% of the Earth's total water discharge to the ocean--more than the six next-largest rivers combined. The flow is so powerful that it noticeably dilutes the ocean water of the Atlantic 160 km (100 mi) beyond the coastline.
  The Amazon's headstreams form in the Peruvian Andes little more than 160 km (100 mi) from the Pacific Ocean. In 1541 the Spanish explorer Francisco de ORELLANA began European exploration here, descending the river to the Atlantic. In any event, he gave the river its name, which refers to the AMAZONS of Greek mythology. Most of the river's drainage basin lies east of the Andes. It is composed of low plains less than 150 m (500 ft) above sea level, strips of floodplain alongside the channels, and broken higher ground in the upper reaches of its many tributaries, to both the north and the south


Rain Forest
Rain Forest, tropical woodland, characterized by lush (green and growing strongly) vegetation and great biological diversity. There are more species of plants and animals in tropical rain forests than in all the rest of the world. About 70 percent of all plant species in these forests are trees.
  Most of the world's tropical rain forests are within 10° of the equator. The largest tropical rain forests are located in the Amazon Basin in South America; in southern Asia, including the large archipelagoes; and in the Congo Basin in Africa. Tropical rain forests contain most of the planet's bio-diversity, and there are probably still millions of insect species, as well as many plant species, that have not been described scientifically.

IMPORTANCE It is now generally accepted by scientists that rain forests are of more potential value on a long-term sustainable basis when left more or less intact than when converted to pastures or other simplified habitats. Rain forests have built up the largest standing biomass of any plant community on earth, and they have done this almost independent of soil conditions by recycling nutrients. Managed rain forests can thus provide huge amounts of valuable timber, retain the naturally thin topsoil layers, regulate runoff, and stabilize local climate.
Because rain forests contain the earth's greatest diversity of plants and animals, they also represent giant gene banks that can provide new drugs, foods, and other products.

There are a large number of natural phenomena and human activities that have had an impact on rain forests. Cyclones, lightning fires, disease, landslides, and other natural forces are now of rather minimal influence compared to human activities such as logging, road building, mining, and large-scale clearing for cattle pasture and other agricultural crops. Traditional societies practiced slash-and-burn cultivation in which only relatively small areas were cleared. After two or three years, when the nutrients in the soils had been used up, the land was abandoned and another cleared. In modern practice, however, the large-scale clearing that takes place in nearly all rain forest areas is so extensive that hundreds of years would probably be needed for anything resembling the original vegetation to return.
  Since the 1970s the rate of tropical deforestation has accelerated greatly. The eastern region, in places such as Australia, Sumatra, Malaysia, and Melanesia, began to suffer huge losses due to timber and agricultural operations. Amazonia, which became a focus of world attention, was being cleared mostly for large cattle ranches and ambitious government programs, such as the Trans-Amazon Highway.
  There is growing concern about the loss of bio-diversity and global warming (due to increased levels of carbon dioxide) that may result from rain forest destruction (see Greenhouse Effect). It now seems clear, however, that the loss of species is by far the more important concern. So little is yet known about rain forest diversity and ecology that large-scale extinctions could take place as a result of human activities before anything can be done to understand the consequences of such extinctions and prevent them from happening.

The Amazon Rain Forest
The Amazon rain forest, with an area of about 6 million sq km (about 2.3 million sq mi), covers much of equatorial South America and contains more species of flora and fauna than any other ecosystem in the world. Trees constitute about 70 percent of the plant species found in rain forests. Currently, the Amazon rain forest is being cleared at an alarming rate for timber and agricultural purposes.

Unit 4 Travel

1. 词法
  (1) separate
    [说明] separate作形容词时表示“个别的,单独的,分离的,分开的”。
    例如:The word has two separate meanings.
    The children sleep in separate beds.
    separate还可以作动词用,表示“使分离,分开,隔开”。常用搭配有“separate…from…” ,
    例如:You'd better separate the good apples from the bad ones.
    North Korea is separated from China by the Yalu River.
  (2) by land
    [说明] by land表示“走陆地”。介词by可表示“用……”;“借助于……”。
    例如:I go to school by bike or by bus, but my father goes to work by car.
    例如:He left by the 10:00 train this morning.
  (3) see…off
    [说明]see…off 表示“为某人送行”。
    例如:Thousands of people were at the airport to see them off.
  (4) every
    例如:The doctor told him to take the medicine every four hours.
    He usually comes home every two weeks.
    如果“every + 基数词+表示距离的复数名词”,可译作“每……”或“每隔……”,英汉互译在数字上则
    例如:We were asked to plant a tree every twenty meters on both sides of the road.
    Change the oil in the car every 5,000 miles.
  (5) be about to (do sth.)
    [说明] be about to (do sth.) 表示“马上就要(做某事)”或“正要(做某事)”。
    例如: The sun is about to sink in the west.
    I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.
  (6) but
    [说明]but作介词表示“除了……”; “除……之外”。常和nobody; nothing等连用。
    nobody but (= nobody except) 表示“仅”,“除……之外没有其他人”。
    nothing but (=nothing except) 表示“仅”,“除……之外没有其它东西”。
    例如:Nobody but me knew her name.
    Nobody else but Peter could ever say such a thing.
    There is nothing in the box but a piece of paper.
    1.  I was about to leave the classroom _____ it began to rain.
       A. as   B. when   C. while   D. before
    2.  ---How are you getting to the airport?
       ---We are going to _____ a taxi.
       ---Oh, I see. You are getting there _____ taxi.
       A. by, by   B. take, take   C. take, by   D. by, take
    3.  ---Why are you going to the airport with your parents?
       ---I'm going there to ______.
       A. see off them   B. see them off   C. meet them   D. see them left
    4.  He said _____ goodbye when he left.
       A. not anything   B. anything else   C. nothing but   D. anything except
    5.  ---How often do you have your hair cut?
       A. In a month   B. For three weeks  C. Every day   D. Every three weeks
2. 语法句法
  (1) 现在进行时可用来表示将来时
    [说明] 现在进行时表示将来时,即表示按计划或安排在最近将要进行的动作。
    特别是一些表示“移动性”的动词,如:go, come, arrive, leave, start, fly, get
    例如:We are staying in Shanghai for a week.
    My father is leaving for Japan next week.
    He is coming back this Sunday.
    How are you getting there?
  (2) It is (not) + adj. + (for sb. )+ to do sth.
    [说明] 在It is + adj. + (for sb. )+ to do sth.这个句型中,it 是形式主语,句末的不定式
    to do sth.是真正的主语。
    例如:It is easy to work out the problem in this way.
    It is impossible for us to finish the work in three days.
    It is not necessary for you to introduce your friend Cook.
  (3) …see + 宾语+ doing sth. / do sth.
    [说明] 在…see + 宾语+ doing sth. / do sth.这一结构中,-ing形式和不带
    to的不定式都是动词see的复合宾语。但see + 宾语+ doing sth.和see + 宾语+ do
    例如:I see him cleaning the blackboard.
    I see him clean the blackboard.
    从而我们可以看出,see sb. doing sth. 可以表示“看到某人正在做某事”;而see sb. do sth.
    能够用这种结构的还有:hear, notice, watch 等词。
    例如:I heard him singing an English song.
    I heard him sing the English song.
  (4) It takes + sb. + some time + to do sth.
    [说明] It takes + sb. + some time + to do sth.这个句型中的take表示“花费”、“需要”。
    例如:It took me two hours to finish my homework.
    It usually takes me ten minutes to get to school.
    It will take them more than a year to complete the building.
  (5) What +a/an + 名词+主语+谓语!/ How +形容词/ 副词+主语+谓语!
    [说明]上述两个句型都是感叹句的句型。当What +a/an + 名词+主语+谓语!
    或不可数时,我们则去掉不定冠词a 或 an。
    例如:What a beautiful flower it is!
    What beautiful flowers they are!
    What important news(it is)!
    How tall he is!
    How hard they are working!
    1. I often hear her _____. Listen , can you hear her _____in the next room?
      A. sing, to sing   B. singing, sing   C. to sing, sing   D. sing, singing
    2. ______ fine weather it is! Let's go out to play basketball, ______?
      A. What, shall we   B. What a, will you   C. How a , will you  D. How, shall we
    3. ----How long _____ the journey take you?
      ----It took me two days _____ there.
      A. does, to get   B. does, getting   C. did, to get   D. did, getting
    4. Is _____ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?
      A. it   B. this   C. that   D. what
    5. My uncle _____ to see me. He will be here in a minute.
      A. comes   B. has come   C. came    D. is coming   
Unit 4 Travel

1. 词法
  (1) guide
    [说明] guide作名词作“向导”,“导游”,“指南”解。
    例如:We need a guide to show us around the city.
    I think this guide is helpful to you.
    例如:He guided the tourist party through the park.
    Mr. Brown often guides his students in their studies.
  (2) do
    [说明]do 作助动词时,不仅可帮助构成一般现在时和一般过去时的疑问句及否定句,
    例如:He does run fast.
    I did go to see my grandma yesterday.
    Do come and see us when you are free.
    Do water the flowers tomorrow.
    Do be careful when you cross the street.
  (3) every + other +(两个或两个以上)基数词+复数名词
    [说明] “every + other +(两个或两个以上)基数词+复数名词”这种结构可译作
    例如:The nurse came to see the sick man every other two hours.
    The tree is planted every other ten meters.
    当我们说“每隔一天”时,我们可用下列几种表达方式:every other day; every second day;
    every two days.
    1.  Nobody but you _____ late for school this morning.
       A. is   B. was   C. were   D. are
    2.  You could have sold your car _____ a better price.
       A. in   B. with   C. at    D. by
    3.  ---Happy birthday!
       A. Have a nice time  B. Say “Hi” to you  C. The same to you  D. Thank you
    4. ---Bob, ______ give my regards to your parents.
       --- Yes, I _____. Thank you.
       A. do, do   B. does, will   C. do, will   D. you, do
    5.  He can do nothing but ______for his father.
       A. wait   B. to wait   C. waiting   D. waits
2. 语法句法
  (1) sb. + find / think + it + adj./ n.+ (for sb.) + to do sth.
    [说明]在 sb. + find / think + it + adj./ n. + (for sb.) + to do sth.这个句型中, it 是形式
    宾语,句末的不定式to do sth.是真正的宾语。it后的形容词或名词是宾语补足语。
    例如:I think it important for us to study a foreign language.
    You will find it easy to get along with him.
    I think it our duty to obey the laws.
  (2) see / hear + 宾语 + done
    [说明] 在see / hear + 宾语 + done这个结构中,过去分词done作宾语的补足语。
    例如:I head the story told many times.
    I saw him beaten by a big man.
    能用于这种结构的动词还有:watch, notice, feel, find, have, get等。
    例如:We found two of the windows broken .
    He felt a great weight taken off his mind.
    When she was cooking, she had her hand burned.
    1.  ______ from Beijing to London!
       A. How long way it is   B. What a long way it is
       C. How long way is it   D. What a long way is it
    2.  It is very necessary for us ______ to English tapes.
       A. listen   B. listening   C. to listen   D. to be listening
    3.  When they entered the classroom, they found all the walls ______ white.
       A. paint    B. to paint    C. painting    D. painted
    4.  ---Oh, you are still here. I thought you had left.
       --- I was _____ to leave when you knocked at the door.
       A. up   B. about   C. wanting    D. having
    5.  The children found _____ exciting to throw snowballs at each other.
       A. them   B. that   C. it   D. the thing 
Unit 4 Travel
(1) 网站名称:English for Geologists

(2) 网站名称:English Club

(3) 网站名称:English Club

(4) 网站名称:English Club

(5) 网站名称:中国旅行家

(6) 网站名称:江山多娇

(7) 网站名称:etravel[英文]