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        Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday he would give equipment and training to Palestinian security forces and he offered to help rebuild the Palestinians' crumbling infrastructure in Gaza, which Israel is withdrawing from this summer.

        Putin met for about two hours with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah on the third day of his historic visit to the region. The two leaders focused on the Middle East peace process and aid from the Russians to the Palestinians.

        Infrastructure意为“基础设施,(建筑)下部构造,永久性防御设施”,多指一个社会或社区正常运作所需要的基本设施、服务和安装设备等,如交通与通信系统,水与电力供给线,以及学校、邮局和监狱等公共机构。例如:transportation infrastructure(运输基础设施);infrastructure of city(城市内部结构)。




        The United States has warned the International Atomic Energy Agency that North Korea has been preparing to carry out an underground nuclear test since March and could go ahead as early as June, Kyodo news agency said on Saturday.

        The report, which quoted diplomatic sources in Vienna, came a day after the chief U.S. negotiator to stalled talks on Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions said Washington believed North Korea might be trying to harvest material for a nuclear bomb from a shut-down reactor.

        According to the sources, who said the information was obtained by satellite photos and from within North Korea, Pyongyang was preparing to test a small-scale plutonium device.

        Shut-down在此表示核术语“停堆”,例如:chemical shut-down(化学停堆);emergency shut-down(紧急停堆);period shut-down(周期保护停堆)等。此外shut-down还有“停工,临时关闭,停车”等含义,在电子游戏中可指“决赛,最后一幕”,例如:a shut-down inspection(停工检查);automatic shut-down(自动停止,自动断开);orderly shut-down(正常停工)。



      A 32-year-old bride-to-be vanished just days before her wedding, and more than 100 volunteers joined police Thursday in an all-out search of her wooded suburban neighborhood. Authorities said they were considering the case of Jennifer Wilbanks a criminal investigation.

      Wilbanks was reported missing by her fiance, John Mason, who said she disappeared Tuesday on her nightly jog in this Atlanta suburb. Her keys, cash, credit cards and identification also were found in her home. Her fiance said she left with only her radio and the clothes she had on.

      About 100 police officers took part in the search and brought out bloodhounds to help. They also searched a river nearby.


Break new ground


        North Korea has the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear warhead and strike U.S. territory including Hawaii, Alaska and the U.S. Pacific Northwest, a top intelligence official said on Thursday.

        But the Defense Intelligence Agency sought to play down the remarks by its director, Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby, which appeared to break new ground. It said that was speaking in theoretical terms.

        And Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice indicated it was not the definitive conclusion of the Bush administration that the reclusive communist state had the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear warhead.

        Break new ground表示“开垦处女地,开辟新天地,取得新发现”,例如:The scheme says nothing new; it doesn't break new ground.(这个方案没什么新意,它没有提出新的见解。)此外,词组break ground表示“破土,创办,犁田,起锚”。



       Greeted by beaming Israeli officials, Vladimir Putin on Wednesday became the first Kremlin leader to visit the Jewish state, capping a historic rapprochement between two nations that once faced each other as bitter enemies across the Cold War divide.

       Putin, on his first Middle East trip, was also hoping to restore his country's profile as a major player in the region and the world, bringing with him a fresh proposal for a conference to be held in Moscow in the autumn.

       "Considering the history of relations and the fact that there were times that we were on one side and Russia was entirely on the other side … (the visit) indicates the significant change that took place between the two countries," Israeli Vice Premier Ehud Olmert said as he stood on the airport tarmac waiting to greet Putin.





        American troops nearly captured wanted terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi earlier this year in Iraq, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

       "We were close," Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters at the Pentagon.

         Myers said he couldn't elaborate because it would be "unhelpful" to divulge operation details. He did say the intelligence in Iraq is "getting better."

         Divulge表示“泄露(秘密);走漏(消息);暴露(隐私)”,例如:divulge the source of one's information(泄露情报来源)。




        Former Nepali Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has been arrested at his home in Kathmandu, a spokesman for his party, the Nepali Congress-Democratic, has told CNN.

        Deuba was arrested early Wednesday after refusing to appear before the Royal Corruption Control Commission, formed by the government, declaring it to be unconstitutional, said the spokesman, Minendra Rijal.

        The commission had charged Deuba with distributing unauthorized funds to party workers and irregularities in awarding a multimillion-dollar water-supply contract.

        "The Royal Corruption Control Commission is unconstitutional," Rijal said. "And this arrest is inhuman."

        Unconstitutional表示“违反宪法的”。Constitutional表示“(拥护、符合)宪法的,法治的,生来的,体质的”,例如:a constitutional amendment(宪法修正案);constitutional government(立宪政府);a constitutional weakness(秉性虚弱);a constitutional inability to tell the truth(生来爱撒谎的毛病)。此外,constitutional还有“保健散步,养生运动,体操”等含义。


Parade ground


       The last Syrian soldiers have left Lebanon, surrendering to international and Lebanese popular demands and ending its 29-year military presence in its smaller neighbor.

        Syrians awaiting them waved flags as the troops crossed the border. Earlier Tuesday, a formal ceremony marked the withdrawal in the Bekaa Valley.

        About 400 Syrian and Lebanese forces assembled on the narrow parade grounds and were jointly reviewed by the chiefs of staff for each as dignitaries looked on.

        Parade ground表示“阅兵场;校场”,因为parade有“游行,阅兵,炫耀”等含义,例如:The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.(奥运会以参赛各国运动员的列队行进开始。)a dress parade(阅兵典礼);make a parade of one's virtues(炫耀自己的优点)。此外,parade也可表示“阅兵场,公共散步场所,演奏会”。




       The death toll jumped to 71 Tuesday as crews pulled more victims from the wreckage of Japan's deadliest rail crash in decades. Investigators focused on whether excessive speed or the driver's inexperience caused the train to derail and slam into a building.

       The seven-car commuter train carrying 580 passengers left the rails Monday morning near Amagasaki, a suburb of Osaka about 250 miles west of Tokyo. It hit an automobile and then a nine-story apartment complex. More than 440 people were injured.

       Rescuers working under floodlights pulled out a conscious but seriously injured 46-year-old woman then reached a 19-year-old man passenger, also in serious condition.

       Floodlight表示“泛光灯,照明灯”,是一种产生人工强光束的装置。Floodlight作动词表示“用泛光灯照亮,用探照灯照明”,例如:A spectacular floodlighted waterfall(被泛光灯照亮的壮观瀑布)。


Flying ace


        Former Israeli President Ezer Weizman, a flying ace and crack military commander who built up the nation's air force and helped bring about the Jewish state's first peace treaty with an Arab country, has died, Israeli officials said Sunday. He was 80.

        Weizman was president between 1993-2000. In three decades in political life, he made a highly public transition from hawk to dove, saying the Jews had to learn to "share this part of the world" with the Arabs.

        The Maariv daily newspaper said Weizman died Sunday evening with his family at his bedside.

        As defense minister in 1979, he was instrumental in negotiating Israel's peace treaty with Egypt.

        Flying ace表示“王牌飞行员”,从第一次世界大战起,美、法均将击落敌机五架以上的飞行员授予“王牌”称号,德国为10架。Ace的本意为“纸牌的A或骰子的幺点”,故产生了“一流的;高手、佼佼者”等含义,后来被应用于军事中,表示王牌飞行员。例如:aerobatic ace(特技飞行能手);double ace(击落敌机10架以上的双料王牌飞行员);an ace at cards(玩纸牌的高手);football ace(足球健将)。此外,ace在体育运动中表示“发球得分;一杆进洞(高尔夫)”。


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