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优秀学生习作精选:Reasonable Decision
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2002级英语教育2班  苏玉玲

These days, nearly all of my classmates are talking about whether to take the post-graduate examinations or not. Some of them want to take the exams, because it has gradually become a trend; of course, there are some people who do want to go on with further study ; some are still uncertain . And I have already decided to work soon after graduation, which makes many people surprised: “Why do you make such a decision ----”, for they think I have been working so hard and can do well in the exams.

I don’t like to go with the stream blindly. I have no desire to take the exams and I won’t force myself to do what I am not interested in. Besides, I seldom make a decision on impulse or rashly and I have thought over my choice again and again. We have never seen a stick with only one end, so there are certainly reasons for my determination.

Firstly, my family is the most important factor for my consideration. It is so difficult for my parents to bring me up that I feel ashamed to give them much more burden. I have been more than twenty years old and should have been able to live on my own. But I am still a student. And last week, my youngest sister had an operation on her left eye, which cost my parents a lot of money , and which added new burden to my family . I am the oldest child in my family with one brother and two sisters, and I know clearly that my parents hope I can find a job as soon as possible after graduation, although they don’t tell me directly. I feel very distressed when I think of my parents, so I hope to share their burden.

Secondly, I want to acquire some experience and be a skilled person but not a person who only knows study. I have stayed at school for more than ten years and have been a bit tired of the stereotyped school life: being immersed in hard study. I am not so intelligent as others, and I have to spend more time than them on my study. My brains have nearly been drained off and over-burdened. I don’t have the energy to continue study. Besides, we know too little about the outside world and sometimes just look like fools when chatting with other people, and some even don’t know what pliers look like. It is no wonder why others call us students bookworms.
Some people feel that I am short-sighted and have made a wrong decision that I will regret for it in the future. Everyone has his own set of values ;only he himself knows what he has to take on. If I really want to receive further education, I still can take it during my spare time. After all, every road leads to Rome. 

(庄陶教授 批阅)

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