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职业技术学院04专升本英语(3)班 张丹青
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职业技术学院04专升本英语(3)班 张丹青

Being rich is one of the things that you have dreamed of all your life. You thought richness would give you opportunity to try something that would otherwise be out of reach. You imagined that you could then live a comfortable, relaxing life. However, what is it exactly like to be rich overnight? It’s different from what you have expected.

Suppose that the other day you bought a lottery ticket and fortunately enough you won the first prize. Now you’re a millionaire.

You’re so happy and excited that you go to a five-star restaurant to have a big feast, and then you crowd into supermarket, filling your shopping cart with excesses of goods before going back home in your own car. Afterwards, laying in bed comfortably, you plan to show off to the guys who have looked down on you. At a sudden, you vaguely realized that you can’t. If you do so, you would probably be prey of burglars or kidnappers.

At the thought of it, you have to pretend that you’re living quite as usual. As the result, you can’t spend so much money freely to improve your living standard and you have to tell lies. One day you see a ring, which, you think, would please your wife very well. But on the second thought, you decide to have it. You look around the shop to make sure no acquaintance near you and pay for it. When you are taking the ring from the counter, suddenly you run into one of your colleague, “How pretty it is!” You lie, with a pause, “Yes, I bought it for my nephew. You know he will get married. It takes the equivalent of a year’s food.” “Oh, gosh! You poor guy! ”, your colleague pities you. It seems that fortune doesn’t bring you anything but tangles you in the net of lies.

Eventually, you get so tired of telling lies that you are determined to tell some of your close friends and relatives the truth and ask them to keep the secret for you. You thought it would let you get rid of the net of lies. Unfortunately, it worsens your situation. The news that you won lottery is spread around your community and unit. Your neighbors, acquaintances come to visit you one after another and tell you that they are in financial trouble. They hope you could give them financial support as if you were an ATM. You’re physically and mentally weary of the visit of those guys. You have no alternative but to stay out, nevertheless, you still have to be alert to protect yourself from the burglars or robbers. To avoid being bothered by people coming for money, you hide; to escape from the potential danger, you should be extremely cautious. What a poor life!

What is the worst is that your wife asks for divorce. When she is asked whether she still has affection for you, she answers confirmatively. The only reason for divorce is that she wants the share of property. Finally you divorce her. Who could tell such a tragic end when you win lottery.

To sum up, after being rich, you discover and experience a lot. You live in panic; you are anxious and tired. In addition, you lose your family. The sudden fortune brings you nothing but troubles. You can’t help sighing, “what a mess! ”.                                        

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