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学生习作精选:My Idea about Friendship
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外国语学院2002级涉外(2)班 苏惠婷

Family relationship, love and friendship are the three most important emotions in the world. Family relationship is the inborn connection, which you can’t avoid or choose at will; for the fact that we’re still college students, love is not always within our reach; with regard to friendship, from my point of view, it’s not only important but also essential. We live in such a society where everybody is related to others, so we all need friends. Without stars, the night sky won’t be so beautiful; without friendship, our life won’t be meaningful and significant.

Friendship is developed on the basis of common interests. Usually, we make friends more easily with those who share many similarities with us. These friends are just like a mirror in which we can see our virtues as well as shortcomings, and this will help us realize our advantages and overcome the weak points to improve ourselves. When we stay with our friends, we won’t feel ill at ease, instead, we can talk about everything aunder the sun and share happy feelings with them. They are always good listeners actually. We don’t need to explain things too much, because we know each other so well that only a gesture or eye contact can make ourselves understood.

An old saying goes like this: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” In our daily life, we may encounter many difficulties. At the time we are in bad situations or in great despair, we will turn to our friends for help. They are always ready to offer their comforts and supports in one form or another. Some of them provide us with money to overcome financial problems; some of them give us the encouragement to help us rebuild our confidence; some of them look for a new method to lead us to be more optimistic. Maybe you don’t have much contact with those friends, but they treat you in good faith. So whenever you are in need, they will give you a helping handwithout any hesitation.

The last but not the least, mutual respect and sincerity play an important role in friendship. If you want to consolidate your friendship, yo shold devote yourself to it. Treat your friends respectfully and communicate with them with a sincere heart, you will receive a lot. Do remember: a long time of emotion cultivation forms a long friendship.

Friendship is something that cannot be bought with money. In our long life, we will meet a lot of people, but just some of them can become our genuine and lifelong friends. In my opinion, it’s enough, but your precious friendship needs to be cherished. Actually, friendship is an easy thing. For me, making friends is a comfortable thing. To be a qualified friend, one should be modest, sincere, considerate, open-minded and helpful. Then you are sure to be successful in your enjoyment of friendship.

(王保昌老师 批阅)

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